Mirabai wrote:If I remember correctly that trinket doesn't proc off instant cast spells (not sure if this is blizzlike or not). Depending on how much you use rejuvenation this is something to take into consideration.
It does (and it should), but on several conditions which i can't comprehend yet

As example: im pretty sure it does proc from Moonfire casts without any restrictions, but for Rejuvenation proc conditions are very unclear. Looks like your target should have less than 100% hp on the moment of your Rejuvenation initial cast, or Blue Dragon wont proc at all

Mirabai wrote:Also factor in the slow(er) cast time of druid healing compared to priest/pala, which means less procs than those classes.
Don't know about Paladins, but not every Priest is using Flash Heal spam

And Druid cast times is not slower at all - it's 2 - 2.5 secs cast times for Swiftmend build, or 1.5 - 2.5 secs cast times for Nature's Grace build (and 1.3 - 2.5 secs if you are using Regrowth+Nature's Grace build)