I am a solo, PvP-only player. I enjoy mostly wPvP, and going solo in bgs (and trying to solo cap flags lol). I do not want to be dependant on other people while playing, I've always been like this and I prefer being "in my own little world" while playing with others.
I was a shammy main for most of my retail WoW career, since I liked the lore and aesthetics, and also the mechanics (sometimes not). But here in vanilla, it feels like I need to raid or premade, which I tried to do and didn't like. In world PvP, my support-oriented roll is shown as I cannot 1v2 or somtimes even 1v1 certain classes, which disappoints me. So, I wish now to re-roll a class which is oriented to my playstyle.
I also tried leveling a rogue, which was fun until I felt as though... it was too easy. It also was boring, and seemed like a lot of people go rogue and get OP gear (through raiding) and I felt kind of bummed out since to compete I would need to raid or get rank 14.
So, is druid the right class for me? It seems so but I don't know how they are end game, I'm going to be going feral. Can I be successful in 1v1, or even 1v2 (I am a good player) with rank 10 PvP gear and AV rep weapons?
So far I do enjoy the lore and solidarity of druids, and they are very interesting and "high skill capped" with all the form switching and kiting, while still being a good hybrid spec and not limited like Shamans.
In case I went too off topic:
Am I going to have a good time with rank 10 gear and the unstoppable force (be able to beat t2-t3 geared players 1v1 using skill, or beat noobs 1v2/3)
thank you.