Keftenk wrote:Droom91 wrote:Also since weapon damage enchant on weapon is bugged atm or the druid class itself.
Druids do take advantage of +Weapon damage enchant atm in Nostalrius.
So if u are using cat form i recommend using a weapon damage enchant, that will boost your damage considerably.
Speaking of. I've read that this is a core MangOS bug, but I can't seem to find actual proof that +Weapon DMG wasn't working like this in vanilla. I always thought vanilla treated Druid forms as unarmed, but then...why does Druid feral lists have Might of Cenarius?
I (and a few other druids) specifically tested this in vanilla and posted our results to the Cat DPS Megathread on the Elitist Jerks forum. Unfortunately, it's long since been deleted and wayback didn't archive it. Long story short, it had no effect, which was why +25 agi and +15 str are listed as the cat enchants you wanted.
There was never any official answer on why +weapon damage armor had an effect (Might of Cenarius and Ogri'La trinket), but I'd hazard a guess that weightstones and weapon enchants are modifiers for a specific weapon that you have equipped, while damage modifiers from armor are set up to increase the damage of any weapon you have equipped (including no weapon, in the case of feral forms). In hindsight, it would have been interesting to test the ring on unarmed weapon damage in caster form. I don't think it was ever intended to increase cat damage, but blizzard never removed it, and added a similar item that was also BiS in TBC.