(resto)Is Moonglow a harder spec to play than Swiftmend?

(resto)Is Moonglow a harder spec to play than Swiftmend?

by DeathKnight042 » Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:52 am

The title pretty much says it all. Is it? Since Pally and priest heals are faster than a HT, wouldnt that mean that i would have less healing than I would if i was in Swiftmend? Im not a very good theorycrafter so I dont have anything to back this up. Could i get an experts opinion on this? :?:
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Re: (resto)Is Moonglow a harder spec to play than Swiftmend?

by Zula » Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:27 pm

I'm no expert of any sort but i've been healing for a while here on a druid exclusivly.

The only thing i whould say about Swiftmend is that it's pointless(currently*) except being a tank healer, atleast from my experience. The reason i think its pointless is that if you have decent healers in the raid group they will spot heals where you place your Hots especially with shamans and their smart heals.

*: by currently i mean with the current gear. it might get better with tier 2.5 or tier 3. I don't know ive never done either AQ40 or Pre-wotlk Naxx
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Re: (resto)Is Moonglow a harder spec to play than Swiftmend?

by ibux » Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:16 pm

Just get a addon that show incoming heals and trow healing touch 3 or 4 on those who isnt getting heals, or focus pre cast on tank if they take heavy damage. Natureswift + big heal if tank is about to die. Regrowth 6 can be nice to quick heal aswell, or extra hot on tank for fights were you get stun or fear on healers, or just need to move alot.

I played moonglow mostly myself, and have beaten way better geared priest and palas on meters, but if people do their job well its always hard to be on top, even for other priests and palas.

Re: (resto)Is Moonglow a harder spec to play than Swiftmend?

by Imbaslap » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:47 pm

DeathKnight042 wrote:The title pretty much says it all. Is it? Since Pally and priest heals are faster than a HT, wouldnt that mean that i would have less healing than I would if i was in Swiftmend? Im not a very good theorycrafter so I dont have anything to back this up. Could i get an experts opinion on this? :?:

swiftmend is a different playstyle then HT moonglow/NG build.

swiftmend = hot priority and watch for spike dmg. (great for tank healing)

NG/Moonglow HT build is basically a pally in leather. r3/r4 HT spamming for pretty much 70 mana or so. this means you can last forever sitting still and spamming HT like its no tomorrow.

swiftmend is more mana intensive then HT moonglow/NG.

really it depends on your playstyle and what the raid needs. anymore than 1 swiftmend druid kind of nerfs eachother. its best to change it up to make composition more ideal with more than 1 druid in the raid.
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Re: (resto)Is Moonglow a harder spec to play than Swiftmend?

by Hammersplat » Wed Feb 17, 2016 12:46 am

i think you can be a reasonable healer in any spec, even feral if you can push a button fast enough.
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Re: (resto)Is Moonglow a harder spec to play than Swiftmend?

by St0rfan » Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:25 am

Hammersplat wrote:i think you can be a reasonable healer in any spec, even feral if you can push a button fast enough.

Being fast a pushing buttons wont make up the fact that you are missing out on talents that provide shorter cast-times, Natures Swiftness, generally higher raw healing spells etc.
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Re: (resto)Is Moonglow a harder spec to play than Swiftmend?

by Hammersplat » Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:24 am

St0rfan wrote:
Hammersplat wrote:i think you can be a reasonable healer in any spec, even feral if you can push a button fast enough.

Being fast a pushing buttons wont make up the fact that you are missing out on talents that provide shorter cast-times, Natures Swiftness, generally higher raw healing spells etc.

actually it can, i have seen fast button pusher feral druids out healing resto druids wearing similar gear. And i said reasonable not super awesome.
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Re: (resto)Is Moonglow a harder spec to play than Swiftmend?

by St0rfan » Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:37 am

Hammersplat wrote:
St0rfan wrote:
Hammersplat wrote:i think you can be a reasonable healer in any spec, even feral if you can push a button fast enough.

Being fast a pushing buttons wont make up the fact that you are missing out on talents that provide shorter cast-times, Natures Swiftness, generally higher raw healing spells etc.

actually it can, i have seen fast button pusher feral druids out healing resto druids wearing similar gear. And i said reasonable not super awesome.

Okay, fair point. However if you compare two equally skilled players, one feral and one resto the latter will always outperform the former.
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