hi, i'm currently leveling a druid and am thinking about the spec to come.
i enjoy the druid because of its versatility; still, due to having played a healer (priest) from release to end wotlk, i'm not planning on healing later. i do want to combine the rest: that would be offtank, damage dealer and pvp. i know the druid is neither the best tank nor the best dd, but in my opinion the most fun class to play (besides the wotlk disc priest ).
so far i thought about https://en.nostalrius.org/talents/druid ... 0000000000 - that would leave me with 4 points to spend. out of the blue i'd go for the second point in feline swiftness and 3 points in natural shapeshifter, as pvp is going to be a lot of shapeshifting. since druid is one of the few classes i haven't done endgame raiding with, i do not know if i use 'shred' frequently. if i do, 2 points would be spent well there. i've also thought about improved rage, though this might be of least priority to me. any thoughts on where those 4 points will be spent best?
thanks a lot
edit: just came up with this - https://en.nostalrius.org/talents/druid ... 0000000000
i'm not sure though how it affects tanking when not having the critrage