by Guirssane » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:23 pm
Save as much mana as possible, fake cast against mage, root war/rogue and heal, be raped by sham and warlock (hi spam fear 100% skill), when hunter cast fear => unshapeshift at the end of his cast.
tips :
Bash in bear form then root or heal
macro feral charge :
/script SpellStopCasting()
/script bI, bN, bIA = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1); if bIA then CastSpellByName"Feral Charge" else CastShapeshiftForm(1) end
/script cI, cN, cIA = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if cIA then CastShapeshiftForm(3) end
Dispell curse against warlock, they hate that.
Same with rogue, dispell poison
Use bleeding effect in cat form against mail/plate otherwise true damage