Hi fellow druid.
Looking for a way when I'm kitty dps and goes into prow my cast bar changes.
Anyone got a good solution?
Pottu wrote:Bongos does that, as well as for rogue going into stealth and for warrior changing stances.
Aslan wrote:In case bongos doesnt work you can test bartender2 (get the fubar plugin so its easier to set up) or discordbars (10 million customisable options though, easy to lose the overview).
Im posting this here because bongos used to copy my abilities i had on my "stealth bar" to my normal bar when i went out of stealth. E.g. If I cheap shot a target, the bar switches as I leave stealth, but instead of the sinister strike on that should be on that keybind out of stealth, my rogue tried to cheapshot again out of stealth. Weird stuff.
But most likely bongos works for you, I havent encountered many people with my issue and for most its the go-to actionbar addon.