sp00ned wrote:Keftenk wrote:Grayclaw? He also used +weapon dmg which was bugged.
Pretty sure +weapon dmg enchant is not bugged. I remember people using it in retail Vanilla as well, unless it was bugged on retail as well? - The +weapon damage is tied to whatever you use to hit the target with, be that unarmed, weapons or what not. The enchant is not tied to the weapon in the same sense that crusader is.
At least from what I know, it was like this and it makes sense.
based on the client data, the damage gained from +weapon damage enchant does not apply to feral form.
when feral form occurs, you have no weapon in hand, meaning no weapon procs occur or any enchants on that weapon will occur.(outside of stat gains which will occur like +agi)
on nost, it was being carried over incorrectly to feral form, giving +9 bonus damage after feral form calculations which is wrong.
however, items like http://db.vanillagaming.org/?item=21189 WILL affect your feral damage as proven in the client.