by tunguska » Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:13 pm
As an offtank, ideal for raiding.
Look at it this way, an offtank that can also put out decent DPS in the same gear on the same fight. Also can rez/innervate as needed. Low on mages? Your offtank can also decurse. Low on healers? Clutch heals like a boss, and even decent raid heals if you have the gear for it. Another druid is ALWAYS helpful for cleansing poisons in AQ, regardless of spec this can be done.
And, by the time you progress through AQ, you will be geared enough to offtank naxx. The only time a feral is really left behind is during MC and parts of BWL. In pre-raid gear we excel, but other classes in T1 will have the advantage until you get into BWL. Once you get into BWL far enough you will start getting some decent items, world boss drops, etc.
Sure, if you are playing a druid to ONLY tank or ONLY dps, it's not anywhere near optimal. But if used properly as a hybrid a good fdruid is a great contribution to the raid. I know my old raid leader would take me (feral druid) over a rogue or warrior any day because of this (well, and tanks are hard to come by sometimes).
A feral druid offtank also means that another warrior can spec fury, for dat DPS.
BACK ON TOPIC: Tauren, IMO. That HP buff is pretty sweet, and warstomp is a must for any druid in pvp that does not have natures swiftness.