Feral Dps pre raid bis 1.04

Feral Dps pre raid bis 1.04

by nde » Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:38 pm

Druid Feral DPS pre raid(bis til BWL) 1.04

Head - Mask of the unforgiven - Stratholme
Equip: Improves your chance to hit by 2%.
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.

Neck - Mark of Fordring
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.
Equip: +26 Attack Power.

Shoulder - True strike shoulders - (UBRS)
Equip: Improves your chance to hit by 2%.
Equip: +24 Attack Power.

Chest - Shadowcraft tunic (UBRS) / Breastplate of bloodthirst (Quest)
+26 Agility
+13 Stamina
+12 Spirit

Cloak - Cape of the Black Baron (Stratholme) / Shifting cloak (crafted)
15+ agility
Equip: +20 Attack Power.

Bracers - Blackmist Armguards (UBRS)
+13 Stamina
+5 Strength
+10 Shadow Resistance
1% Hit

Gloves - Shadowcraft Gloves
+14 Agility
+10 Spirit
+9 Stamina
+9 Strength

Belt - Shadowcraft Belt (BoE) / Cloudrunner Girdle (LBRS)
+14 Agility
+10 Stamina
+9 Spirit
+9 Strength

Legs - Shadowcraft Pants (Stratholme)
+25 Agility
+12 Stamina
+12 Strength

Boots - Swiftwalkers Boots(BRD)/Mongoose Boots
+21 Agility
+7 Stamina
+4 Strength

Rings - 2x Tarnished elven Ring (DM north tribute run)/Blackstone Ring (Maraudon)
30+ agility
2% hit

Trinkets - Hammer of justice(BRD) / Blackhands Breadth (Quest UBRS)
Equip: 2% chance on melee hit to gain 1 extra attack.
Equip: +20 Attack Power.

Main Hand - Impervious Giant(BRD)
Equip: Improves your chance to hit by 1%.
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 2%.


145+ agility
47+ str (low as shit)
130 AP (with 4 set bonus)
8% hit
6% crit

You could even out the stats by Getting Breastplate of bloodthirst, Cloudrunner girdle and Gargoyle slashers

110+ agility
72+ str
90 AP
8% hit

Personally i'd go for 4 set bonus from Shadowcraft because it seems you get the most out of it.
Skipping Devilsaur due to statloss.

since this is my first BiS guide i'd love to get some feedback and thoughts what could be improved.

If you've gone for Mark of tyranny instead of blackhand's breath(like me) for tanking i suggest getting Elementals deck and wait for quest to be implemented.
Last edited by nde on Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:15 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Cohieras : Level 60 Druid Alliance

Re: Feral Dps pre raid bis 1.04

by Awkwardlol » Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:42 pm

You should edit your list abit. Some of the items don't actually have thoese stats.

Apart from that a few notes:
Bonecrusher > Impervious Giant
Cadevous Armor > Shadowcraft Chest
Devilsaur Gloves & Pants > Shadowcraft Gloves/Legs
Mark of Fordring is the best necklace available (You didn't list one)
Bracers of the Eclipse (Once they get Attack Power) > Blackmist (They don't have any strength currently)

Re: Feral Dps pre raid bis 1.04

by nde » Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:24 pm

Thank you for your feedback and pointers. will post Results by comparing ur build with mine.
Last edited by nde on Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cohieras : Level 60 Druid Alliance

Re: Feral Dps pre raid bis 1.04

by nde » Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:33 pm

Third version.

Head - Mask of the unforgiven - Stratholme
Equip: Improves your chance to hit by 2%.
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.

Neck - Mark of Fordring
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.
Equip: +26 Attack Power.

Shoulder - True strike shoulders - (UBRS)
Equip: Improves your chance to hit by 2%.
Equip: +24 Attack Power.

Chest - Cadaverous armor (Scholomance)
8 agility
8 str
60+ AP

Cloak - Cape of the Black Baron (Stratholme) / Shifting cloak (crafted)
15+ agility
Equip: +20 Attack Power.

Bracers - Bracers of the Eclipse
+10 Agility
+9 Stamina
(+ 24 AP after patch)

Gloves - Devilsaur gloves
9 stamina
Equip: +28 Attack Power.
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.

Belt - Shadowcraft Belt (BoE) / Cloudrunner Girdle (LBRS)
+14 Agility
+10 Stamina
+9 Spirit
+9 Strength

Legs - Devilsaur Leggings (Crafted)
12 stamina
Equip: +46 Attack Power.
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.

Boots - Swiftwalkers Boots(BRD)/Mongoose Boots
+21 Agility
+7 Stamina
+4 Strength

Rings - 2x Tarnished elven Ring (DM north tribute run)/Blackstone Ring (Maraudon)
30+ agility
2% hit

Trinkets - Hammer of justice(BRD) / Blackhands Breadth (Quest UBRS)
Equip: 2% chance on melee hit to gain 1 extra attack.
Equip: +20 Attack Power.

Weapon : Bonecrusher
30 str
1% crit

8% hit
204 AP
98 agility
51 str
7% crit
Last edited by nde on Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Cohieras : Level 60 Druid Alliance

Re: Feral Dps pre raid bis 1.04

by nde » Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:44 pm

(Version 1)Shadowcraft vs Devilsaur & cadaverous (version 3)
-48 agility
+63.4 AP (+24 ap after patch)
+8 str (4 str after patch)
-1 or 2% crit (cba to calculate anymore)

so if you were to lose -48 agi means -30.6 AP and roughly 2% crit but you would still gain 4.57 dps from the AP
(don't trust me on the dps thing I'm really shitty at calculating)
However if the hit rate is 7% you can use the bonecrusher and my version should be better

This is a mix of version 1 with Bloodthirst chest, Cloudrunner girdle, Gargoyle slashers and Bonecrusher
110+ agility
102+ str
90 AP
7% hit

edit :
Agility, Strength, Crit and %Hit (cap is 7% as i know) are main stats. For 1 point of Agility you got 1AttackPower, for 1 point of Strength you for 2.2AttackPower. But 20x Agility gives 1% crit also
taken from http://www.wow-one.com/forum/topic/44844-feral-cat-stat-weights-and-other-mechanics/

Attack power (AP) increases your base DPS by 1 for every 14 attack power. For example, an AP of 28 will give you 2 DPS. To convert DPS into average damage per swing: (Weapon DPS + AP/14) * Weapon Speed.
taken from http://vanilla-wow.wikia.com/wiki/Attack_power

also see : http://www.wow-one.com/forum/topic/8597-feral-druid-hit/
Last edited by nde on Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Cohieras : Level 60 Druid Alliance

Re: Feral Dps pre raid bis 1.04

by Viorus » Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:12 pm

STR > Agility IMHO.
Viorin, 60 Night Elf Druid (USA), Knight-Champion

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Re: Feral Dps pre raid bis 1.04

by nde » Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:49 pm

Conclusion: There is no exact number for hitrate so i've gone with 7% this patch as minimum.
Either Go for version 1 for more AP or version 2 (which is alot harder to get) for more crit.

Also druids gain 20% more str from heart of the wild talent (which i didn't include cause im lazy AF)

Summary from version 1 with bonecrusher

145+ agi
72+ str (+5 after patch)
130 AP (with 4 set bonus) (+ 158,4 AP and 145+ ap from agi and str) 433,4 AP
7% hit
5% crit (+7.25 crit from agility) 12,25% crit

This is version 2
(basicly version 1 with Bloodthirst chest, Cloudrunner girdle, Gargoyle slashers and Bonecrusher)

110+ agi
97+ str(+5 after patch)
90 AP (+ 213.4 AP and +110 agi and str) 413,4 AP
7% hit
8%crit (5,5% crit from agility) 13.5% crit

Devilsaur + Cadaverous (version 3)

98 agi
204 AP (+ 112.2 AP and +98 str and agi) 414,2 AP (+24 after patch)
51 str
8% hit
7% crit (+ 4.9% crit from agi) 11.9% crit

also keep in mind that druids are mainly there for offtanking battle res and innervate and not full dps.
Cohieras : Level 60 Druid Alliance

Re: Feral Dps pre raid bis 1.04

by fish » Sun Jun 07, 2015 5:19 am

Why dont you prioritize items that gives more strength? I've always believed str>ap for pure dps, since not only does it give 2ap/1str it is also increased 20% from the talent

Re: Feral Dps pre raid bis 1.04

by nde » Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:55 pm

Well if you got any suggestions on items that exist in this current patch that'd be better.
I'd be happy to compare them with the current build (version 1 and 2).
Cohieras : Level 60 Druid Alliance

Re: Feral Dps pre raid bis 1.04

by Grayclaw » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:07 pm

For feral dps, what do you think is better: Bonecrusher or The Unstoppable Force?


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