Hello druids of Nostalrius, i am in a need of advice to improve my healing. Raided BWL some days ago and my overall effective healing on the raid was the worst of the 10 healers present at the time.
This made me sad because at the time i thought i did a better job than that, and i never slacked. My gear was a little bit worse than the other druids that was on the raid and the addons i used for healing was Clique and Grid. Healing touch (Rank 3) was the spell i used primary but Rank 4 and Revj was also used alot.
When i look at the raidstats for prominent guilds on the server like Dreamstate and Nope, its alot of the time one or two druids at top 3, even beating the paladins with their fast healing spells. How do they do it? How do they heal the raid faster than the paladin and avoid overhealing?
If anyone got any good advice to help me improve, i would really appricate it!