Hi there!
At this point I feel kind of silly posting this website, as I spent a ridiculous amount of time building the Item List, only to find a complete Druid BiS list stickied here.
You can find my website here: http://vanilladruid.com
Vanilladruid.com was created to make it easier for those of us who raid as Feral DPS to pick gear upgrades and increase efficiency, not to mention remove some of the completely detrimental views on Feral DPS. Following the information on the website will guarantee competitive DPS in addition to superb utility in any PvE environment.
The website is by no means finished, so any and all input is much appreciated.
Currently on to-do list:
- Add enchants list - high
- Expand on rotations - medium
- Add farming lists - low
- Clean up design and add more information - ongoing
P.S.: The website does not have a proper design for mobile/tablet, and will look weird in certain resolutions. Let me know if you're on a desktop or laptop and having issues with the design.
- Outcry