Just for funsies, here is proof that with proper gear you can tank anything in the game as a druid!
http://realmplayers.com/RaidStats/FightOverview.aspx?Raid=18197&Fight=9 Why didn't I take a screenshot? Cause bears have no dexterity obviously.
http://imgur.com/4IGgra1 Main tanked Ony because we were short on tanks that day and I was best geared.
http://imgur.com/Yerrzj1 Getting into position.
http://imgur.com/RKnK2xF Horrible screenshot of tanking.
Nefarion tanking happened because of a bad phase 2 transition. I was tanking some adds but grabbed Nef so he wouldn't wipe the raid. We transitioned back to a warr tank after a min and after we stabilized. Thankfully no druid call happened or I probably would have died.
C'Thun next! (Imba pls)