Stereotypic Clichés about a Druid wrote:Regrowth = unefficiency. Never use it!
Guys. In our case, mana unefficiency doesn't mean that spell inefficient itself!
Let's go and try to heal BWL trash with "mana efficient" Healing Touch, and then find yourself in healer list at Raidstats at 6-9 position, which is depends on shamans\priests numbers in your raid. If other healers are geared and skilled, most of your HTs will overheal the chain-healed\flash-healed targets.
Syrma wrote:- I don't wanna say harshly that trash healing is unimportant, but it kind of is
I can't say for others, but it was important for our guild on progression, especially on trash packs after Broodlord in BWL.
Months ago, when i planned to start as a druid at Nost opening, i was scared about a future of "healing touch spam machine" as everyone told me. But i decided for myself that i will try to find a way to be a real druid as it should be - with hot's and interesting gameplay. Well, in my opinion i succeed, because i really enjoy to heal as a druid.
Do not scare away others with your stereotypes. It could be the reason why druid is less populated class at Nost.