Hammersplat wrote:Ziphr wrote:
That said, if a healer does prefer grid, they can always just not use luna raid frames- but because luna is installed, it will still allow other healers with luna to coordinate with them. Thats a huge thing for a druid, if priests and paladins cant see who we're casting a heal on or for how much, theyll snipe us all day and it will be our fault
Is that true? How does luna work with hot's? Is it only showing the ones of other druids who have luna?
I do make one assumption on the grid-luna thing- that there are no conflicts between mods.
I ran both and didnt notice anything, and havent heard of any issues but I cant say for fact there arent any.
I have tested luna with having raid frames turned off though- it did continue relaying my heals to other healers so that is definitely true and current ^^
As far as HoTs go, there are 2 ways to track them using luna.
In the Luna config window, under raid there are 3 slots to "Track Buffs" anyone of any class can use these to see a small colored indicator of that buff being on a target. As a Druid I use this to track Renew, Non druids would want to use this to track Rejuvenation(I dont think regrowth is really worth other healers being aware of)
This method simply tracks buffs on players and doesnt require any mod communication
For Druids and Priests there is a separate additional option though, at the bottom of raid page "Enable Hot Tracker"
This will cause your classes hots(in our case, Rejuv and Regrowth) to appear as center icons on the player windows and *attempt* to estimate their duration. For Rejuv its usually pretty accurate, regrowth seems to generally last about 4 seconds longer than the estimate
Since all the druids in my guild use Luna, I cant say how Hot Tracker would function if other druids didnt have it. I tend to assume it simply starts a timer based on when it first sees the buff go out, but I really dont know
Also if you use this, the center icons for hots are huuge and can be downsized with a slider bar in the raid tab
For other healers to see your hots though they will have to add them to track buffs or enable hot tracker if they're druids ^^