Stalk wrote:
Edit: Also, this is a thread about the Four Horseman who did not hit very hard with melee attacks and you would be lucky to see 50% uptime on Inspiration or Lay on Hands in an encounter requiring that much mobility.
I realize that. I only mentioned the armor thing because you brought it up

Also, player buffs are limited on Nost, I believe in the same way. We've had our tank lose Fear ward on Nef because they used a stoneshield pot mid fight. Once they started to remove any unnecessary buffs it stopped happening. As long as the warrior doesn't have useless buffs like arcane intellect and divine spirit, they should be fine.
As for tanking 4HM with a druid, you'd probably be best off with a PvP flag carrying set of gear, AKA high stam and resistance of every type (assuming resistance works on them). I knew a druid in retail that had at least 120 of each resistance pre-buffs, decent armor and ~7k unbuffed HP in his flag carrying set. Just need a way to get at least 5% spell hit.