Night Elf or Tauren

Re: Night Elf or Tauren

by tunguska » Sun Mar 29, 2015 6:19 pm

Guirssane wrote:anyway bear tank isn't viable in raid just sayin' :roll:

Not true at all. Bears make great offtanks/dps, or offtank/heals, when specced accordingly.
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Re: Night Elf or Tauren

by Bezawit » Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:42 am

Guirssane wrote:
Larsen wrote:Dunno about you but I have two ring slots.

no you don't

anyway bear tank isn't viable in raid just sayin' :roll:

Bear tank is definitely viable in a raid.

While I intend on eventually being Resto, I have been the offtank in BL's MC raids the past few weeks. Do not confuse "viable" with "ideal".

Re: Night Elf or Tauren

by Guirssane » Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:25 pm

Bezawit wrote:
Guirssane wrote:

Larsen wrote:
Dunno about you but I have two ring slots.

no you don't

anyway bear tank isn't viable in raid just sayin' :roll:

Bear tank is definitely viable in a raid.

While I intend on eventually being Resto, I have been the offtank in BL's MC raids the past few weeks. Do not confuse "viable" with "ideal".

You just steal rogue gear lel.
are you going to tank the 4hm in naxx with a bear as well?
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Re: Night Elf or Tauren

by Larsen » Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:32 pm

You just steal rogue gear lel.

Why do people keep saying stupid shit like this?

Druids don't use rogue tier gear. Druids don't use rogue weapons. Druids value strength above agility. The amount of gear overlap is minimal, rogues should WANT one of the melee spots to be a feral druid so that they don't have to share tier gear with yet another rogue or weapons with a warrior.
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Re: Night Elf or Tauren

by Guirssane » Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:50 pm

Larsen wrote:
You just steal rogue gear lel.

Why do people keep saying stupid shit like this?

Druids don't use rogue tier gear. Druids don't use rogue weapons. Druids value strength above agility. The amount of gear overlap is minimal, rogues should WANT one of the melee spots to be a feral druid so that they don't have to share tier gear with yet another rogue or weapons with a warrior.

that's why I said "lel" just after, it's ironic, the fact is that you won't get good feral gear until aq 40, HF staying pre-raid gear for 3 monthes
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Re: Night Elf or Tauren

by Doofoos » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:08 pm

Melvin wrote:Female Tauren. They look a bit odd, but I somehow like this. There is a certain kind of cuteness to them.

Hehe indeed :) They have nice casting animation and they are so cute while sitting :3
But tauren cat form is killing me, since i can't use model editing at Nost :cry: This is lore-friendly model that i used on other servers:
Also i've REALLY miss ability to drink in stealth, it can be incredible useful!
Doofhoof - Tauren Druid - <KGB>
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Re: Night Elf or Tauren

by Hydra9268 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:48 pm

Zeigler wrote:Going to roll a Druid but not sure which race, sway me! 8-)

As a Tauren you get a racial passive called Endurance which gives you a permanent 5% stamina buff. Virtually every class can benefit from this!
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Re: Night Elf or Tauren

by Ivina » Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:08 pm

Doofoos wrote: since i can't use model editing at Nost :cry:

But this was allowed on retail, i am wrong?

We need to launch a druid strike if our rights are not respected!!
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Re: Night Elf or Tauren

by Doofoos » Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:56 pm

Ivina wrote:But this was allowed on retail, i am wrong?

Technically, no. But i've used model editing at Wrath of The Lich King retail (to change my priest and rogue armor looks as T6), and at several private servers. Never get banned though.
Doofhoof - Tauren Druid - <KGB>
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Re: Night Elf or Tauren

by Zeigler » Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:55 pm

Guirssane wrote:
Larsen wrote:There's no statistical advantage to night elves. The slightly better stealth is pretty meaningless.

For feral DPS, neither side really gains anything.

For feral tanking, 5% health is a bit better than 1% dodge, and horde side gets Thrall's Resolve which is BiS tank ring for ages and for which alliance has no counterpart.

For resto and balance, 5% health is a lot better than 1% dodge, and war stomp is incredibly good.

Tauren is better in every possible way.

Yeah but catform and bearform are ugly as fuck and is better since it's 300 armor in this patch and not 150

Tauren have better bear form, Night Elf have better cat form. 8-)


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