Hvemklomater wrote:Hi there,
I'm an old druid player from retail, where I used to be rank 14 with several of tier 3 pieces.
Here you go:
The most common healing spec
http://www.wowprovider.com/Old.aspx?tal ... 3155315051
Hybrid PvP/PvE spec (can be used for both PvE/PvP), but also requires decent items. I'd personally go for this one myself
http://www.wowprovider.com/Old.aspx?tal ... 3105315051
Valelstrasz spec (MT)
http://www.wowprovider.com/Old.aspx?tal ... 0150305050
Full raid healing 100% (if you're going to spam heal all players in the raid)
http://www.wowprovider.com/Old.aspx?tal ... 3115305000
Another full raid healing 100% (if you're going to spam heal all players in the raid)
http://www.wowprovider.com/Old.aspx?tal ... 3115305000
NS (Nature's Swiftness) healing spec
http://www.wowprovider.com/Old.aspx?tal ... 003114315d
Neferian healing spec.
http://www.wowprovider.com/Old.aspx?tal ... 3115315051
Feral DPS spec - can be used for both PvE and PvP (very good if you're going to kite in AQ20 due to 30% movement speed)
http://www.wowprovider.com/Old.aspx?tal ... 215105002k
Feral tank - wouldn't recommend anyone going tank, but it's doable I guess.
http://www.wowprovider.com/Old.aspx?tal ... 302015104n
Leveling specc /farming spec - begin with speccing into balance if leveling
http://www.wowprovider.com/Old.aspx?tal ... 320015103n
WSG FC spec - I obtained HW on retail with this specc.
http://www.wowprovider.com/Old.aspx?tal ... 103105014d
Also, I can't wait to meet you guys in-game.
Some might disagree with the specs above, but those are the ones that I believe are the best.
Thanks for the specs, one question though.
I want to ensure I have an easy enough levelling experience but I also want to do well in world pvp and maybe BGs.
Will the levelling/farming spec or the Feral DPS spec be more suitable?
People have also talked about a hybrid feral/resto spec. Is that good for levelling or only once you're geared?