Zanbaka wrote:Imbaslap wrote:moonglow&NG HT build makes it impossible to even go OOM. (IE start using high healing power trinkets and ZG trinket for spike high heals with literally no mana cost.
druids by far have the most unique specs for healing, giving strengths and weaknesses in different scenarios. Druids are the best healers hands down imo.
judging a healer based on his mana pool is a misperception in itself. different builds require different mana costs, and different spells.
learn the 4 healing druid specs and their strengths/weaknesses before judging the druid's potential in your raid. also make sure the druids in your raid are not all 51 resto or some gimmick spec, gimping eachother's potential healing throughput, and forcing your priests/pallies to cover raid healing slack.
pallies/priests should be prio on tanks as they are the strongest ST healers with the most tools. you only need 1 51 resto to cover hots/swiftmend on 2-3 tanks. any other druid is pure raid healing/tank assist when needed.
TLDR, learn the 3 healing classes, their strengths/weakness, don't judge it based on pure raw healing/overhealing. focus on the RAID not dying, tanks not dying, nonhealers dodging rain of fire and bringing consumables to ensure there OWN survival as well.
everyone has to pull their weight in a raid, regardless of your class. Healing in WoW and other MMO's like it are not as linear as posters are making it seem(higher numbers does not mean they are good/doing their job). high HPS = raiders taking lots of excess damage/healer doing TOO much work and healing. check out Blacklisted's raid stats and you will see all of our healers are tightly close to eachother on raw heal/overheal/efficient heal. then look at TOTAL efficient healing done. that judges the entire healing core's ability and how they function as a team.
also start looking at your raid's death counter on bosses and trash. if you have a rogue dying about 8 times or more on trash, the problem is the rogue, not the healers healing him.
Well since you (and the others) clearly have a lot of experience in healing, how do you usually assign raid healing / assignments? I can also imagine that the healing dynamics are different between alliance and horde, since pallies and shamans differ a lot from each other. Also per faction, what do you think would be the ideal healing composition?
I would love to tell you, however you would have to be in Blacklisted to get any further information.
trial and error, ask your guildies and other players within your guild. if they give you the cold shoulder, time to find a new guild then since they wont help you.
there are tons of forum threads about druids, healing, and raid composition/healing assignments per boss on the internet. if you really want to figure it out and learn, then take the time and start researching the data.
We were all noobs at one point in our gaming history. the only way to get better is to put in work on getting better. start researching things, start watching videos/streams of other players. and if you're lucky enough to join a great guild, they will help you further.