Generates 20 rage over 10 sec, but reduces armor by 75%. The druid is considered in combat for the duration. IMPORTANT: this only reduces your base armor, not your total armor. So if you normally have 1000 armour from your leathers, it becomes 250, however you still get the additional 3600 armor from dire bear form, giving you a 3850 rather than 4600. (Normal bear form works the same way).
It still seems like Cat and Bear form get too much attack power. Getting about twice the attack power bonus. (unless thats how it works and tooltips are fucked up.)
So, I thought it was right but then I took off all my gear and got no close to the AP that I thought I would have. Does anyone know the correct application of the vanilla WoW Cat AP with talents?
I don't know if it should be added...yet. I tried finding the vanilla formula, but I can't. It does APPEAR to be high, but maybe we're just not understanding how it all adds up? No idea.
I'm almost tempted to go Boomkin just to see what's wrong, if anything in that tree. Just for the sake of polishing our class.