Hybrid Druid (Heart of the Wild)

Re: Hybrid Druid (Heart of the Wild)

by Lorilay » Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:15 pm

I used 1/29/21 for gearing up once I hit 60, and kept it for a month or so of raiding while I was still picking up my gear for 5-mans. It doesn't compete for healing output, but it's nice to be able to tank and heal effectively in 5-mans (or even crappy dps), which makes it considerably easier to put groups together.
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Re: Hybrid Druid (Heart of the Wild)

by Taladril » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:39 pm

Mirabae wrote:
Taladril wrote:I don't think the point of that build is to try to compare against a pure heal build. The pure heal will always win. However the HotW build is truly capable of decent healing and tanking for all content, which is pretty cool. Yes it's a compromise. But it's not such a compromise that it doesn't work at all.

I'm sure it still functions. As you stated earlier in this thread druids have pretty bad talents overall, so the impact isn't as big as other classes' hybrid builds.

An important aspect is managing to find a raidspot with a non-optimal build if you want to do anything other than the occasional MC pug. Most serious guilds will not accept oddball specs (I'm not evaluating the fairness of this, just stating facts). I'm sure it's easier to play fun specs if you're an officer, like your signature states that you are.

The point I'm trying to get across is that HotW variations of druid builds are not recommended if you're aiming for end-game raiding (this also answers one of OP's initial questions).

For initial raids like MC, unless you are in a high performing guild, and if you are a strong performer you could go months before your build's weakness becomes apparent. The deeper into content we get (bwl>aq>naxx) the more you should focus on a pure build. But really I think the hybrid build is ideal for an mc raider. Someone in that position still needs to do some quests, or grinding, or pugging dungeons. Do that, get it done, get the gear - healing, tanking, and dps. Then when you have what you need and you are doing more serious raiding like bwl or aq, drop the hybrid spec and either go full resto or full feral. And just as an fyi I would have needed to switch to a "real" healing build by now if I continued to play the healer. And when I do switch back to healing it will be the moonglow spec.
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Re: Hybrid Druid (Heart of the Wild)

by Garfunkel » Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:06 pm

Aww man, I don't want to lose our amazing Nef-tanking bear! :lol:

Post the pictures already!
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Re: Hybrid Druid (Heart of the Wild)

by Daedalos » Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:18 pm

Taladril wrote:
Mirabae wrote:
Taladril wrote:I don't think the point of that build is to try to compare against a pure heal build. The pure heal will always win. However the HotW build is truly capable of decent healing and tanking for all content, which is pretty cool. Yes it's a compromise. But it's not such a compromise that it doesn't work at all.

I'm sure it still functions. As you stated earlier in this thread druids have pretty bad talents overall, so the impact isn't as big as other classes' hybrid builds.

An important aspect is managing to find a raidspot with a non-optimal build if you want to do anything other than the occasional MC pug. Most serious guilds will not accept oddball specs (I'm not evaluating the fairness of this, just stating facts). I'm sure it's easier to play fun specs if you're an officer, like your signature states that you are.

The point I'm trying to get across is that HotW variations of druid builds are not recommended if you're aiming for end-game raiding (this also answers one of OP's initial questions).

For initial raids like MC, unless you are in a high performing guild, and if you are a strong performer you could go months before your build's weakness becomes apparent. The deeper into content we get (bwl>aq>naxx) the more you should focus on a pure build. But really I think the hybrid build is ideal for an mc raider. Someone in that position still needs to do some quests, or grinding, or pugging dungeons. Do that, get it done, get the gear - healing, tanking, and dps. Then when you have what you need and you are doing more serious raiding like bwl or aq, drop the hybrid spec and either go full resto or full feral. And just as an fyi I would have needed to switch to a "real" healing build by now if I continued to play the healer. And when I do switch back to healing it will be the moonglow spec.


Thank you, Taladril.
< Daedalos > Tauren Druid [PvP]
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Re: Hybrid Druid (Heart of the Wild)

by Imbaslap » Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:18 am

Keftenk wrote:Moonglow such a wasted slot for points. If you're OOMing as a Druid then you need to reconsider your buffs and consumables. You can sit with around 11k mana under Flask + world buffs (9k without flask). Then all you need to do is chug mana pots and runes, even if you're Regrowth casting.

Might I suggest ranking up to buy the cheap battle mana pots.

moonglow makes it so you do the exact same healing (just shy of being 51 resto for swiftmend) without all the huff of consumable reliance for mana pots. why spend 100's of golds for pots when you can spend 3 talent points in moonglow and barely touch your mana pots.. hell even your innervates. (could give to another player to increase their performance) gear in AQ and Naxx give tons of mp5 as is. at t3 level, you wont have to use distilleds with moonglow because it is not even needed. you can actually go titans and strut around with 7k+ hp as a healer. :)

combo with t3, it makes HT barely touch your mana bar. the idol from viscidus makes druids the fastest raid healers for r3 HT. with r4 and above, you can combo with NG procs and EoM trinket..

idol + EoM + NG proc = 0.85 HTr5 and above cast time. without NG proc, it's 1.35.

also consider the mana reduction of moonglow, 9% + 10% from tranquil spirit, 5% from EoM trinket for 15s, 3% from 4pc t3, 8piece t3 essentially makes you have the paladin illumination talent in retrospect.

4pc t3 (3%), + 9% moonglow has a big effect on reducing rejuv mana cost as well. ;)

until fights that last longer than the average 1-5min span, moonglow gets more appealing later on due to the 9% reduction. however, if you enjoy bathing in consumables every single raid day.. that's on you. :)

also consider innervates to start being given to priests on very heal intensive fights that are very long. (anub, gothic, patchwerk). the content scaling supports HT more with compensation for swiftmend builds(2pc t3 for instance).
Last edited by Imbaslap on Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hybrid Druid (Heart of the Wild)

by Imbaslap » Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:26 am

Taladril wrote:
Mirabae wrote:
Taladril wrote:I don't think the point of that build is to try to compare against a pure heal build. The pure heal will always win. However the HotW build is truly capable of decent healing and tanking for all content, which is pretty cool. Yes it's a compromise. But it's not such a compromise that it doesn't work at all.

I'm sure it still functions. As you stated earlier in this thread druids have pretty bad talents overall, so the impact isn't as big as other classes' hybrid builds.

An important aspect is managing to find a raidspot with a non-optimal build if you want to do anything other than the occasional MC pug. Most serious guilds will not accept oddball specs (I'm not evaluating the fairness of this, just stating facts). I'm sure it's easier to play fun specs if you're an officer, like your signature states that you are.

The point I'm trying to get across is that HotW variations of druid builds are not recommended if you're aiming for end-game raiding (this also answers one of OP's initial questions).

For initial raids like MC, unless you are in a high performing guild, and if you are a strong performer you could go months before your build's weakness becomes apparent. The deeper into content we get (bwl>aq>naxx) the more you should focus on a pure build. But really I think the hybrid build is ideal for an mc raider. Someone in that position still needs to do some quests, or grinding, or pugging dungeons. Do that, get it done, get the gear - healing, tanking, and dps. Then when you have what you need and you are doing more serious raiding like bwl or aq, drop the hybrid spec and either go full resto or full feral. And just as an fyi I would have needed to switch to a "real" healing build by now if I continued to play the healer. And when I do switch back to healing it will be the moonglow spec.

feral gets more love in AQ40. and we will most likely want a bear for trash and stuff when needed. ;)
naxx level, I have a feeling you will be missing out on the prime for healing druids.. they just kick ass in Naxx and in t3. :D
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Re: Hybrid Druid (Heart of the Wild)

by tkrettler91 » Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:08 pm

Best for Tanking/Healing. You can heal in 5man/raids and off tank just fine. Not tailored towards cat form. +20% mana. +mp5 +healing touch effiency.. Tank-wise +20% health. +9% threat..more rage generation

Re: Hybrid Druid (Heart of the Wild)

by lemmingstab » Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:01 am

You are forgetting the +20% strength in Cat form !

Re: Hybrid Druid (Heart of the Wild)

by Taladril » Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:27 pm

lemmingstab wrote:You are forgetting the +20% strength in Cat form !

DPS in this spec is very low in cat form, even with great gear. I can tell you from experience.
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Re: Hybrid Druid (Heart of the Wild)

by Daedalos » Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:11 am

Taladril wrote:
lemmingstab wrote:You are forgetting the +20% strength in Cat form !

DPS in this spec is very low in cat form, even with great gear. I can tell you from experience.

The goal has never been to DPS. I lack all the essential talents, and I don't find it as rewarding as tanking.

I have been with this spec for a few weeks now, and it is turning out to be a decent roll. I've tanked BRD, DME, DMW and healed all of those, including UBRS, LBRS.
< Daedalos > Tauren Druid [PvP]
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