Keftenk, I just want to say thank you for your bug report!
I was one of the other reporters, but your report was just the best
I also want to say that I am shocked about some of the comments in your report. There is nothing good about the +17 (+9 and +8) additional weapon damage bug. It's a bug and reduces the noble goal of the server to be as close to classic WoW as possible. I want that bug fixed, even if I am a dedicated feral.
I even want to argue, that the bug is totally not needed the be viable through the whole game. You can do solid dps, more than your average hunter, without the +17 weapon damage. Sure, you fall behind in meters, but you have innervate, battlerez, offtanking and some offheals to make up for that. You are not a rogue, you are a druid after all!
Just buy some +25 strength and +25 agi pots (they are very cheap to make) and be happy with your solid and blizzlike dps. Using +17 weapon damage as cat dps is just untrue!
Don't take my words super serious. I am ok with people abusing the bug for the moment. I just want to say that I don't use it, on purpose. And I hope that someday it becomes fixed, although I doubt that the chances are high due to the complexity of the bug.