Is this possible?

Re: Is this possible?

by Mahtan » Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:49 pm

Keftenk, I just want to say thank you for your bug report!

I was one of the other reporters, but your report was just the best ;)

I also want to say that I am shocked about some of the comments in your report. There is nothing good about the +17 (+9 and +8) additional weapon damage bug. It's a bug and reduces the noble goal of the server to be as close to classic WoW as possible. I want that bug fixed, even if I am a dedicated feral.

I even want to argue, that the bug is totally not needed the be viable through the whole game. You can do solid dps, more than your average hunter, without the +17 weapon damage. Sure, you fall behind in meters, but you have innervate, battlerez, offtanking and some offheals to make up for that. You are not a rogue, you are a druid after all!
Just buy some +25 strength and +25 agi pots (they are very cheap to make) and be happy with your solid and blizzlike dps. Using +17 weapon damage as cat dps is just untrue! :D

Don't take my words super serious. I am ok with people abusing the bug for the moment. I just want to say that I don't use it, on purpose. And I hope that someday it becomes fixed, although I doubt that the chances are high due to the complexity of the bug.

Re: Is this possible?

by Keftenk » Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:09 pm

I simply just reformatted the earlier bug report with it. It's not my original bug report.

It's Grayclaw mostly and I can understand his desire to keep it the way it is since he's enjoying the Feral DPS way. He's also the #1 Feral Druid on Nost, but just like Feral Cat form doing 200% damage on release. This too must be corrected.

The problem with Nost though is that they still have class bugs from last summer that have been confirmed, but not resolved. Who knows the implications of actually fixing this are and truthfully the priority should be low for the Nost team. However, it does give advantages in certain situations, mostly PvP.

A fix is needed, but a fix may not come for quite some time.
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Re: Is this possible?

by Grayclaw » Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:50 pm

I know I may have come off as kind of smug in the way I've responded to your desires to fix this "bug". However, I do understand your desire to make Nost as true to the Vanilla Experience as possible. The main impetus for my trying to combat this change is how much I enjoy making a widely believed to be "unviable" spec into one that is more than just viable, but rather a huge asset to my guild. It gives me great satisfaction to prove the feral haters wrong and this change would hurt my case.


Re: Is this possible?

by euronmisc » Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:03 pm

Not to be paranoid, but has anyone bothered to check if using the weapon damage enchant is OK? :?:

I mean with the recent ban drama it wouldn't hurt to ask since it's technically using a confirmed bug and I'd hate to see anyone banned for something like this lol. Especially my treehugging druid friends.
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Re: Is this possible?

by Lorilay » Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:06 pm

euronmisc wrote:Not to be paranoid, but has anyone bothered to check if using the weapon damage enchant is OK? :?:

I mean with the recent ban drama it wouldn't hurt to ask since it's technically using a confirmed bug and I'd hate to see anyone banned for something like this lol. Especially my treehugging druid friends.

Yes, it's clearly taking advantage of a bug and I fully expect to see every druid in possession of +damage enchanted weapons permanently banned. We need to keep our server cleansed of these filthy bug exploiters!
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Re: Is this possible?

by Taladril » Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:18 pm

See this is an interesting situation and I'm not really clear on why certain things behave one way but not another.

First, you can see from this post that the optimal enchant in a poster's mind is 15 str. So this would lead that weapon enchants that give +damage didn't add dps like it does in Nost. This makes sense.

But then you have this where the comment specifically talks about how this is the best feral dps ring in the game, which does exactly the same thing that the other enchants do. How does this behave correctly but the enchants don't? I presume that also adds weapon damage and gives a large boost to cat. So rings and trinkets that give weapon damage to cat = vanilla blizzlike but enchants and weightstones that gives weapon damage to cat = bug?

What about elemental sharpening stones? I haven't tested to see if they work for us at all. However it specifically says increase crit chance on a melee weapon. I guess if I look at the others it specifically mentions weapon too. I would think that maybe the difference is that the enchant is supposed to be for the weapon specifically in the same sense that for dual wielders one may have crusader and the other has agility. And that would be the same for the stones as well. But then the ring and trinket affect any weapon. If this is the case then there would be no weapon temp buff that should work for druids at all. Very disappointing.
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Re: Is this possible?

by Pottu » Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:43 pm

"Any weapon" effect affects the staff a druid is wielding as well as her claws and paws. It does not discriminate. "Specific weapon" effect only affects the weapon that is put on. Thus enchants and weight stones should not affect cat/bear damage but trinkets & rings should.
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Re: Is this possible?

by euronmisc » Wed Mar 16, 2016 8:01 pm

Yeah this has been clear for a while, and the bug report has been confirmed. Nothing new there.
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Re: Is this possible?

by Taladril » Wed Mar 16, 2016 8:06 pm

Pottu wrote:"Any weapon" effect affects the staff a druid is wielding as well as her claws and paws. It does not discriminate. "Specific weapon" effect only affects the weapon that is put on. Thus enchants and weight stones should not affect cat/bear damage but trinkets & rings should.

Thanks for the clarification Pottu. Is using that enchant for now considered exploiting? I'm sure if so then we druids would all like the opportunity to change over to "legitimate" enchants.
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Re: Is this possible?

by Finalflash » Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:48 pm

>inb4 half the druid community gets banned
R I P feral druids! Now they will truly be garbage.
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