Lorilay wrote:You can't get defense capped in leather gear, and you can't parry, so you get more avoidance from agility than you do from defense
That's actually not true.
+1 defense = +0,04% chance to dodge, +0,04+ chance to be missed. = 0,08% avoidance.
+1 agility = +0,05% dodge. (0,055% dodge with blessing of kings).
So you actually get more avoidance from defense than from agility. If you throw the reduced chance to be critted on top, defense is even better still. You can count the reduced chance to be crit as another dodge/miss, so the total avoidance from +1 defense is 0,04 dodge + 0,04 missed + 0,04 less chance of being crit = 0,12% total damage avoided.
So it takes 8,3 defense to give you "1% avoidance". But it takes 20 agility to give you 1% dodge.
Even further, the best avoidance to have is chance to be missed. Because you can't dodge when stunned, but the NPC can still miss you.
The advantage of agility is the fact that it also gives you crit, so more threat.
But this is a useless theoretical discussion, because there is no gear choice that lets you choose between an item with 20 agility vs an item with 20 defense. Most of the best bear items usually has either one or the other, or both already.
For example, there is no alternative to Heavy Dark Iron ring that gives 5 agility instead of 5 defense. So Heavy Dark Iron ring is just BiS until AQ40 twin emps, and it'd be BiS whether it had 5 agi or 5 defense. And if there existed a version with 5 agi instead of 5 defense, the 5 defense version would still be better from a damg reduction perspective.