by Pixie » Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:36 pm
Thanks for the good list! its a lot like the wiki, but in an easier format and updated info, and actively being maintained, examined, etc. I would make a couple suggestions
1) color code each row, or a column of each row to indicate how is obtained (pre-raid, raid, tradeskill). So people can easily identify all the leatherworking items, or ignore the raid stuff.
add a column for sorting / filtering with just a bit flag or something (D(ungeon), R(aid), T(rade))
2) i'd like to see a compilation of what values we should be shooting for and when/ where those values matter more or less. one person mentioned the 8% hit cap .
a better question may be at what value in your gear optimization does the priority of your second or third stat become higher because you're nearing saturation of your primary stat?
An example of this kind of info would be the following questions for tanking. What's a good HP total to aim for (sta) ? pre-raid/ progression? The max AC reduction is 75% but what value does that translate to at 60? that of coarse is dependent on the level of enemy you're facing. Optimal Crit, optimal dodge( as high as possible after ac / sta?)
Maybe compile a list of a reasonable suggestion for these stats on a new tab. I know this is going to vary with opinion/ situation. Since, as previously commented on, the relative value of many pieces will rise and fall as paired with other items and as you progress: just giving the max values for wearing the number 1 bis gear isn't useful. So, a really top notch list would have baseline values for each spec at various points of progression.
i.e. for healers going into AQ 40 a mana pool of XXXX and SP of XXX is the baseline.
there is always trial and error on this stuff it seems like this is going to be a more or less accepted baseline.
3) Looking to the future: Nature resist tab? Cold Resist Tab?