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Wed May 06, 2015 10:01 pm
by wintersong
Quick question, I am leveling Feral as we speak, I played Rogue in Vanilla but I'm not 100% sure if Feral tank/dps is a viable spec in Vanilla. Any ideas?
Re: Feral?
Wed May 06, 2015 10:27 pm
by norm964bgb
Most likely not. You can make it happen but you will have to invest 300% the time and effort.
Look at Rngftwgghfgl the shaman who is actually raiding as enhancement. He had to invest quite some time and defend his raid slot with claws and teeth.
If you play much and are dedicated you can make it happen but you have to suffer for it.
Re: Feral?
Wed May 06, 2015 10:27 pm
by azreal3133
Tank is situationally strong, dps is great after AQ, if you're a druid and want to raid you will be going resto for a very long time to come.
Re: Feral?
Wed May 06, 2015 10:43 pm
by wintersong
I do really love the game play, and thankfully can put some time in to it. Thanks for the feedback
Re: Feral?
Thu May 07, 2015 12:14 am
by Setup
azreal3133 wrote:Tank is situationally strong, dps is great after AQ, if you're a druid and want to raid you will be going resto for a very long time to come.
Feral dps is terrible.
Only partially related to the fact you can't give them 2 debuff slots for their bullshit bleeds.
Tanking is good, but sort of falls off during naxx.
Re: Feral?
Thu May 07, 2015 9:02 am
by Blaze
Rake isn't even a part of your rotation so outside of feral faerie fire you'd only be taking up one debuff slot with rip.
If you try hard and powershift, and since + weapon damage and weightstones incorrectly work for cat dps right now you can pull some decent dps. You wont beat rogues or mages try harding, and you'll constantly be frustrated with the fact that you have absolutely no aoe.
There's no idols in the game currently so you're also dealing with 48 energy cost shreds instead of 45.
Re: Feral?
Thu May 07, 2015 6:12 pm
by Eisseltron
Feral isn't as good as rogues and mages on a strictly DPS level. Just a sad fact of life.
That said, rogues and mages can't offtank, and you're a better DPS than a prot warrior offtank. You also offer battle rez, innervate, and Leader of the Pack. There's a lot of utility there, and it's not something that should be lightly ignored.
People will bitch at you to go Resto, but if you're willing to put forth the time and effort to learn to powershift properly, get your correct gear, farm consumables, and use it all correctly, you're a fine addition to a raid group. I love feral, I've played it extensively on other servers, and it's decent, but you really have to do put in 300% of the effort as a rogue to get 70% of the return.
Also, to the person above me, the idol reduces claw energy, not shred.
Re: Feral?
Sat May 16, 2015 6:12 pm
by Viorus
to the OP: As far as raiding goes, you are a great asset. You can do decent DPS / off-tank / innervate / help heal. Very viable, just not as the main tank or highest on the DPS meters.
Re: Feral?
Tue May 19, 2015 5:21 pm
by Particles
A lot of misinformation in this thread.
A serious raiding guild will likely take 0 ferals, and 0 boomkins into their 40 man raids.
In 5 mans bear tanks can be great, but if you want to raid seriously as a druid, plan to heal.
Re: Feral?
Wed May 20, 2015 5:26 pm
by tunguska
I guess it depends on your definition of "serious". This server is 1.12 patch, in which feral druids are actually useful. Most raids would have room for -one- feral druid, and you'd need to know your class very well and understand what must be done.
A good feral druid can DPS on trash, but as soon as an ad gets lose will pick that up, or as soon as someone needs a clutch heal will shift out an do that, or innervate a priest, or battle rez someone, or cleanse poisions/curses/etc.
The problem with feral druids, is we get a bad rap from people who don't know how to play their class, and try to play it like they are a rogue, or a warrior, or something. You have to be quick, on your toes, not even remotely AFK and paying attention at all times. As opposed to a rogue where you just spam a few keys all the time.
It's really fun. I've raided as a feral through AQ40 and into naxx on retail vanilla, years and years ago. Nobody would EVER allow a feral druid into a raid pre 1.10 (or was it 1.11) when they buffed druids, but 1.12 you are fair game.
As a feral druid expect to farm consumables a lot, know and understand your class and plan for it ahead of time (for instance you need to pick mark of tyranny UBRS quest reward over the 2% crit quest, you need to level enchanting to get the BIS trinket, etc.)
Basically if you know what the hell you are doing, gear your character right, and are a good player I'm sure you can find a spot in a respectable guild.