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1 click form change macro?

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:08 am
by fish

I've played druid lots in tbc not as much in vanilla. In tbc you can switch forms by just one click, from cat to bear e.g. However that's not the case in vanilla, so I'm wondering whether there's a macro that lets me do this or not? I have the supermacro addon if that's nessecary.

Re: 1 click form change macro?

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 10:48 am
by Flaat
fish wrote:Hi

I've played druid lots in tbc not as much in vanilla. In tbc you can switch forms by just one click, from cat to bear e.g. However that's not the case in vanilla, so I'm wondering whether there's a macro that lets me do this or not? I have the supermacro addon if that's nessecary.

/script if buffed("Cat Form") then CancelBuff("Cat Form") end
/script if buffed("Travel Form") then CancelBuff("Travel Form") end
/script if buffed("Dire Bear Form") then CancelBuff("Dire Bear Form") end
/script if buffed("Moonkin Form") then CancelBuff("Moonkin Form") end
/script if buffed("Aquatic Form") then CancelBuff("Aquatic Form") end
/script if buffed("Bear Form") then CancelBuff("Bear Form") end
/cast X Form

Remove the form you do not want to remove and add cast the form you want to go into

requires supermacro ofcourse, and i am sure there is a shorter way to do this but can't be arsed to figure it out :)

Re: 1 click form change macro?

PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2015 4:04 pm
by fish
Thanks for the reply. The macro does not work though. I still need to click two times to switch forms.