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Hybrid druid PvP - need information!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:26 am
by Repulsive
Hello all! I`m huge druid fan since TBC and I have a lot of xp with that class. But the problem is that my xp is from TBC/Wotlk and almost 0 from vanilla.
I want to go hybrid spec - which by far I think it is the best for pvp and it isn`t so bad for healing or even dps-ing in dungeons. - thats the spec (probably Nature`s Focus > Imp Reju)

So, my questions are:
If I`m going that spec what chance to get in a group I have as dps or as healer and what kind of items I should roll.
And since the spec is a hybrid, I need hybrid gear - some of the items from dungs are for healer or dps so I need to mix em ? And is that spec an option on that stage of the game or it is better later ?
PP: Sorry for my english, not native.

Re: Hybrid druid PvP - need information!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:20 am
by Takefive
It will be easy to find a group as healer or tank. Isn't true for dps. You can change your role in some raids eventually - from offtank to dps and opposite. But usually you play one role per run. If you started as healer don't try to tank / dps without circumstances lol
With the start of raiding it will be hard to occupy the spot as tank as well.

You shouldn't have troubles at the current state of server - whether tanking or healing. These talents are not so good if you deal damage. You will be fine in 5ppl instances and Blacrock Spire probably.

Don't mix the items if you want to pve. Follow canons, use standart gear. Usually you roll for items that fit your role in group. This is your absolute right. Also you can ask for rolling of items for your offspec if nobody need it. There is a high chance people understand yu and give you agreement.

Things become harder when we talk about pvp. I believe you should try all options by yourself and make your own decision after that, the decision that is based on your personal preferences in playstyle.

In my opinion hybrid playstyle should be based mostly on high survivability, decent dps in melee and big mana pool. Someewhere between these three edges you can find the biggest efficiency of a feral in pvp. It's like enigma - you need to find such combination of gear that proviedes you better way. Also there is no ultimate combination - you want to have more armor against rogues, warriors and hunters; - you want to have more stamina against mages. Spirit for battlegrounds, intellect for duels. And so on.

I don't recommend to avoid bonus from 4 pieces of your pvp set. The gloves from pvp set gives bonus to stealth detection. Somehow you need to gather 5% of hit chance.
There are few interesting items:
Tome of Knowledge
Timeworn Mace
Mask of the Unforgiven
Ring of Protection - 300 armor atm
Death's Clutch - no agility atm
Songbird Blouse
They can boost your hybrid attributes very well. You can find more of them...

Can't say about later patches

Re: Hybrid druid PvP - need information!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:54 pm
by Repulsive
Ty for the info. Yea, about the talents - they are for pvp hybrid mainly and not so good for pve dps (tank in 5 mans won`t be a problem).
I think to role healer and get heal gear + hybrid items like the one you listed, since no other class will need em (expect the mace and the ring).
The build is mainly for support/dd in pvp and surv for 1v1 - But with heal gear I think I won`t have problems to run 5 mans and gearing up even the raids (MC and Ony)
Giving more advice, tips, etc is always good ! :P
Ohh and won`t be a healing wep better ? (1H + that book in OH) ?

Re: Hybrid druid PvP - need information!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:35 pm
by Takefive
Repulsive wrote:...
Ohh and won`t be a healing wep better ? (1H + that book in OH) ?

As i said before it's up to you and your playstyle. That's just an interesting combination of weapons that gives you nice hybrid attributes. You can have good base by wearing mentioned items. Rest of items - rings, trinkets, neck, etc - you choose with the understanding of what you want, whether healing or tanking or dealing damage. It's still from my vision of hybrids in pvp. There is a big chance you would be successful hybrid if you didn't follow any of my tips.

Re: Hybrid druid PvP - need information!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:11 pm
by Viorus
I wouldn't advise being a hybrid druid. You'd be much more effective as a Tank/DPS hybrid (stam/str/agi) or a healer(spir/int). Trying to heal AND tank/dps would limit your effectiveness.

Re: Hybrid druid PvP - need information!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:52 pm
by Repulsive
No no, the point of the build is mainly PvP - but it works well in 5 mans, since i`ll probably heal - I should be fine.
About the pvp - my point is that the spec gives great survavibility, I`ll mostly do world pvp and BGs (not as flag carrier probably) just pure pvp. The problem is that I want to play that spec bcs of TBC probably - here I was resto (charge spec) and I was good in pvp - I want something similar. I`ll try a lot of stuff but I hope to work out. Yes, I won`t be effective as pure dps/healer in BGs for example but I`ll be hard to kill with a high chance to defeat single or even 2 targets.

PP: As I said, the spec is mainly for PVP, but I`ll probably heal with the same in 5 mans until i gear up for raids.

Re: Hybrid druid PvP - need information!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 8:15 pm
by Lorilay
Hybrid gear is terrible. I use almost the same spec (at least until BWL gets released) and use ItemRack and have multiple sets hotkeyed (PvP heals, PvP tank, PvE tank, etc).

Re: Hybrid druid PvP - need information!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:48 pm
by Viorus
Repulsive wrote:No no, the point of the build is mainly PvP - but it works well in 5 mans, since i`ll probably heal - I should be fine.
About the pvp - my point is that the spec gives great survavibility, I`ll mostly do world pvp and BGs (not as flag carrier probably) just pure pvp. The problem is that I want to play that spec bcs of TBC probably - here I was resto (charge spec) and I was good in pvp - I want something similar. I`ll try a lot of stuff but I hope to work out. Yes, I won`t be effective as pure dps/healer in BGs for example but I`ll be hard to kill with a high chance to defeat single or even 2 targets.

PP: As I said, the spec is mainly for PVP, but I`ll probably heal with the same in 5 mans until i gear up for raids.

Still I strongly advise against it. Best of luck to you!