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Feral leveling spec

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:44 pm
by Darkstrand
All specs seem to be on wowprovider which is down so I haven't been able to find anything useful.

was going to go

[5]Thick Hide
[2]Feline Swiftness
[3]Sharpened Claws
[3]Predatory Strikes
[2]Blood Frenzy
[1]Faerie Fire
[2]Savage Fury
[2]Improved Shred
[5]Heart of the Wild
[1]Leader of the Pack

[1] Nature's Grasp
[4] Improved Nature's Grasp
[5] Natural Weapons

Back to Feral:
[5] Feral Instinct

and then it's supposed to be anything preference for the last points.

Can someone tell me if this build would be good for leveling and PvP? Looking for any advice, thanks.

Re: Feral leveling spec

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:27 pm
by Darkstrand
This is what I'm currently planning with going all in feral first then balance then finishing in resto.

Re: Feral leveling spec

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:24 pm
by Viorus
OMEN OF CLARITY! 1/1 (balance)

so worth it.