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Leveling Druid
Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:07 am
by Draculadragon
Is it possible to have a decent spec for leveling and healing or tanking 5 mans as going up just want to keep options open so I can fill multiple roles while leveling.
Re: Leveling Druid
Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:57 am
by greenkiweez
what you are asking for is the main reason i find druid so fun to play. You can be tank, dps or healer anytime. I'm lvl 49 and i've been able to fill all three roles in 5mans so far, using mainly feral talents.
Re: Leveling Druid
Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:27 pm
by Viorus
Yes! Either go with the feral tree or the resto tree and you can do 5 mans as tank/dps/healer, but with the resto tree / gear you will do a much better job at healing and feral dps/tank.
With the feral tree/gear you will do a much better job at solo leveling and can tank/dps for dungeons.