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Current resto pre-raid and best-in-slot items (patch 1.6)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:32 pm
by Lorilay
Updated for BWL.

HEAD (+8 healing)
- Preraid: Cassandra's Grace (AH) / Insightful Hood (DM N) / Green Lens of Healing (crafted)
- BiS: Crystal Adorned Crown (Azuregos) / Stormrage Cover* (Onyxia)

- Preraid/BiS: Animated Chain Necklace (Strat UD)

SHOULDERS (+5 resists)
- Preraid: Living Shoulders (Crafted)
- BiS: Wild Growth Spaulders (Majordomo) / Stormrage Pauldrons* (Chromaggus)

BACK (+5 resists)
- Preraid/BiS: Hide of the Wild (Crafted)
- Alternate BiS: Shroud of Pure Thought (Flamegor)

CHEST (+4 stats)
- Preraid/BiS: Robes of the Exalted (Strat UD)
- BiS: Stormrage Chestguard* (Nefarian)

WRISTS (+24 healing)
- Preraid: Bracers of Prosperity (DM N) / Cinderhide Armsplints of Healing (BRD, better but rare)
- BiS: Stormrage Bracers (Razorgore)

- Preraid: Gloves of Restoration (DM E)
- BiS: Stormrage Handguards (Firemaw/Ebonroc/Flamegor)

- Preraid: Whipvine Cord (DM E)
- BiS: Corehound Belt (Crafted) / Stormrage Belt* (Vaelastraz)

LEGS (+8 healing)
- Preraid: Padre's Trousers (DM W)
- BiS: Empowered Leggings (Chromaggus) / Stormrage Legguards* (Ragnaros)

BOOTS (movement speed)
- Preraid: Verdant Footpads (Strat UD)
- BiS: Boots of Pure Thought (BWL trash) / Stormrage Boots* (Broodlord)

- Preraid: Fordring's Seal (Quest)
- BiS: Pure Elementium Band (Nefarian)

- Preraid: Songstone of Ironforge (Quest)
- Preraid: Eye of Orgrimmar (Quest)
- BiS: Cauterizing Band (Majordomo)

- Preraid: Briarwood Reed (UBRS)
- BiS: Rejuvenating Gem (Firemaw/Ebonroc/Flamegor)

- Preraid/BiS: Royal Seal of Eldre'thelas (DM/AH)

WEAPON (+55 healing)
- Preraid: The Hammer of Grace (BRD)
- BiS: Lok'Amir il Romathis (Nefarian) / Claw of Chromaggus (guess)

- Preraid: Brightly Glowing Stone (DM N)
- Preraid/BiS: Lei of the Lifegiver (AV Reward)

* For resto BiS, the three piece stormrage bonus (+15% mana regen) is insanely OP for long fights for all of vanilla, and had to be nerfed in TBC because it continued to be OP. The bracers and gloves are BiS, but the third piece can be any other one, depending on what off-set pieces you pick up. Because the Crystal Adorned Crown is considerably difficult to get, that's generally the easiest to pick up the 3-piece with. However, if you do have the crown here is the stat difference between the BiS pieces and Stormrage:
Head: -63 healing, +6 mp5
Shoulder: -33 healing, +4mp5
Chest: -26 healing, +1% crit (best option)
Belt: -36 healing, +4 mp5
Legs: -29 healing, -1% crit, +6mp5
Boots: -36 healing, +1% crit

Original thread here: ... 707#p48997

Re: Current resto pre-raid and best-in-slot items

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:59 am
by Gazelle
thank you so much for the list Lorilay. Do you think it's possible to get external links to the items on AoWoW or something?

Re: Current resto pre-raid and best-in-slot items

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:13 pm
by euronmisc
What about Tooth of Gnarr in stead of Tempest Talisman for the neck slot. I haven't ( and won't be ) bothered to do the exact math of crit x heal and mp5 to heal but the tooth gives more int and mp5, whereas crit doesn't really do much.

Also the Brightly Glowing Stone from DMN seems a lot better than the Spirit of Aquementas.

Re: Current resto pre-raid and best-in-slot items

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:35 pm
by Doofoos
euronmisc wrote:What about Tooth of Gnarr in stead of Tempest Talisman for the neck slot. I haven't ( and won't be ) bothered to do the exact math of crit x heal and mp5 to heal but the tooth gives more int and mp5, whereas crit doesn't really do much.

Also the Brightly Glowing Stone from DMN seems a lot better than the Spirit of Aquementas.

Edit: Outdated post
Do you even playing on Nost?
We are around 1.3\1.4 patch, and all databases for wow is for 1.12.1 version. We have different stats for most items.
Current stats for Tooth of gnarr (15 int 10 spirit) < Tempest Talisman (7 int 6 spirit 1% crit). Anyway, even after 18.07.2015 (and AV+1.4+1.5 patch), Animated Chain Necklace (7 sta 6 spi 33 healing) would be much better option for resto druid.
Same for Spirit of Aquementas (-25 mana to all spells), which is completely imbalanced item in this patch, and a must have for every healer in this game. Nothing can compare with it.

Re: Current resto pre-raid and best-in-slot items

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:11 pm
Doofoos wrote:
euronmisc wrote:What about Tooth of Gnarr in stead of Tempest Talisman for the neck slot. I haven't ( and won't be ) bothered to do the exact math of crit x heal and mp5 to heal but the tooth gives more int and mp5, whereas crit doesn't really do much.

Also the Brightly Glowing Stone from DMN seems a lot better than the Spirit of Aquementas.

Do you even playing on Nost?
Same for Spirit of Aquementas (-25 mana to all spells), which is completely imbalanced item in this patch, and a must have for every healer in this game. Nothing can compare with it.

Just a heads up to anyone looking at/reading this post from 15 JULY 15 and on: Along with the AV patch, many items in game have had their stats changed and many new items have been added. The list in the OP appears to be updated and correct, but the replies to the OP are no longer correct, disregard them.

Re: Current resto pre-raid and best-in-slot items

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:27 am
by Doofoos
Lorilay wrote:OFFHAND
- Lei of the Lifegiver (AV Reward)

I think Brightly Glowing Stone can be added as well, as pre-raid, since farming AV reputation to exalted might take a while.

Re: Current resto pre-raid and best-in-slot items

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:30 pm
by Lorilay
Doofoos wrote:
Lorilay wrote:OFFHAND
- Lei of the Lifegiver (AV Reward)

I think Brightly Glowing Stone can be added as well, as pre-raid, since farming AV reputation to exalted might take a while.

This is the list of the best items available pre-raid or overall, not the 2nd best items.

Re: Current resto pre-raid and best-in-slot items

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:37 pm
by Doofoos
Lorilay wrote:This is the list of the best items available pre-raid or overall, not the 2nd best items.

Wut? Why this is mentioned:
Lorilay wrote:HEAD (+8 healing)
- Preraid: Cassandra's Grace (AH) / Insightful Hood (DM N)
- BiS: Crystal Adorned Crown (Azuregos) / Stormrage Cover (Onyxia)

and this can't be mentioned like that:
Lorilay wrote:OFFHAND
- Preraid: Brightly Glowing Stone (DM N)
- BiS: Lei of the Lifegiver (AV Reward)

Im totally confused :?

Re: Current resto pre-raid and best-in-slot items

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:03 pm
by Lorilay
The AV offhand is pre-raid BiS (and also overall BiS). I included head options because either one is arguably pre-raid BiS, and the Azuregos crown is unlikely to be obtained (and gets more complicated once 3-piece Stormrage becomes available). There is no argument about the offhand though, and the time investment for exalted is one AV bonus weekend.

Re: Current resto pre-raid and best-in-slot items

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 5:46 am
by fish
You've posted two items on some itemslots, which one is the better though? Boots for example