If you feel that I can add something to this post, send me a PM of your suggestion to what I can add or tweak. I want this thread to be as informative and accurate as possible.
Gearing Up: Pre-Raid & BiS
Credits goes to Lorilay
Theorycrafting: Druids' Stats
Credits goes to me.
Feral Combat
Pros: Feral does not run out of energy, can handle up to three mobs at once, and is capable of tanking in dungeons.
Cons: Small mana pool.
Recommended Talents:
- Code: Select all
Select each talent in descending order...
1. Ferocity [5/5]
2. Thick Hide [5/5]
3. Feline Swiftness [3/3]
4. Sharpened Claws [3/3
5. Blood Frenzy [2/2]
6. Predatory Strikes [3/3]
7. Savage Fury [2/2]
8. Brutal Impact [2/2]
9. Faerie Fire [1/1]
10. Heart of the Wild [5/5]
11. Leader of the Pack [1/1]
12. Nature's Grasp [1/1] ----- Cannot be used while shapeshifted.
13. Improved Nature's Grasp [4/4]
14. Natural Weapons [5/5]
15. Omen of Clarity [1/1]
16. Feral Aggression [5/5]
Remaining 4 talent points is up to you for leveling.
Pros: Balance is great when fighting single mobs with high damage output, and you will be able to heal for dungeons.
Cons: Requires drinking for mana every 1-2 pull, and may run out of mana quickly when handling multiple mobs.
Recommended Talents:
- Code: Select all
Select each talent in descending order...
1. Improved Wrath [5/5]
2. Nature's Grasp [1/1]
3. Improved Nature's Grasp [4/4]
4. Improved Entangling Roots [3/3]
5. Nature's Reach [2/2]
6. Improved Starfire [5/5]
7. Moonglow [3/3]
8. Nature's Grace [1/1]
9. Improved Moonfire [5/5]
10. Vengeance [1/5]
11. Moonkin Form [1/1]
12. Vengeance [5/5]
13. Moonfury [5/5]
Remaining 11 talent points is up to you for leveling.
Feral Combat --- Tanking
Pros: Tanks is always in high demand and is great at entry level tanking such as dungeons or small raids like UBRS. You are capable of off-tanking in raids and can switch to cat for DPS easily compared to warrior and paladin tanks with more restrictive talent tree.
Cons: Feral tanks has difficulty keeping aggro with multiple mobs but is manageable, and will struggle with tanking in more difficult against bosses in raids efficiently due to limited gear options.
- Code: Select all
Feral Combat (40 points)
Ferocity - Rank 5/5
Feral Aggression - Rank 5/5
Feral Instinct - Rank 5/5
Brutal Impact - Rank 2/2
Thick Hide - Rank 5/5
Feral Charge - Rank 1/1
Sharpened Claws - Rank 3/3
Predatory Strikes - Rank 3/3
Primal Fury - Rank 2/2
Savage Fury - Rank 2/2
Faerie Fire (Feral) - Rank 1/1
Heart of the Wild - Rank 5/5
Leader of the Pack - Rank 1/1
Restoration (7 points)
Furor - Rank 5/5
Improved Enrage - Rank 2/2
Remaining 4 points is up to you to choose.
Feral Combat --- DPS
Pros: Feral offers a high damage output in dungeons or small raids like UBRS.
Cons: Due to limited gear options in end-game content for Ferals, you may struggle to keep up in DPS with rest of the raiding core.
- Code: Select all
Balance (13 points)
Nature's Grasp - Rank 1/1
Improved Nature's Grasp - Rank 4/4
Natural Weapons - Rank 5/5
Omen of Clarity - Rank 1/1
Nature's Reach - Rank 2/2
Feral Combat (38 points)
Ferocity - Rank 5/5
Feral Aggression - Rank 5/5
Brutal Impact - Rank 2/2
Thick Hide - Rank 5/5
Feline Swiftness - Rank 2/2
Sharpened Claws - Rank 3/3
Improved Shred - Rank 2/2
Predatory Strikes - Rank 3/3
Blood Frenzy - Rank 2/2
Savage Fury - Rank 2/2
Faerie Fire (Feral) - Rank 1/1
Heart of the Wild - Rank 5/5
Leader of the Pack - Rank 1/1
Pros: Balance deals a very high damage output and can provide insane dps bursts when needed.
Cons: Nicknamed "Oomkin" which is self-explanatory, requires frequent use of mana potions and innervates to maintain a healthy mana pool.
- Code: Select all
Balance (35 points)
Improved Wrath - Rank 5/5
Improved Moonfire - Rank 5/5
Natural Shapeshifter - Rank 3/3
Nature's Reach - Rank 2/2
Vengeance - Rank 5/5
Improved Starfire - Rank 5/5
Nature's Grace - Rank 1/1
Moonglow - Rank 3/3
Moonfury - Rank 5/5
Moonkin Form - Rank 1/1
Restoration (14 points)
Improved Mark of the Wild - Rank 5/5
Nature's Focus - Rank 5/5
Reflection - Rank 3/3
Insect Swarm - Rank 1/1
Pros: Restoration has a healthy demand so you will always be in raids and invited to dungeons but that's all to it. Who doesn't love to wave their hands in air, though?
Cons: More difficult to grind mobs due to a low damage output.
- Code: Select all
Restoration (46 points)
Improved Mark of the Wild - Rank 5/5
Improved Healing Touch - Rank 5/5
Nature's Focus - Rank 5/5
Reflection - Rank 3/3
Insect Swarm - Rank 1/1
Subtlety - Rank 5/5
Tranquil Spirit - Rank 5/5
Improved Rejuvenation - Rank 3/3
Nature's Swiftness - Rank 1/1
Gift of Nature - Rank 5/5
Improved Tranquility - Rank 2/2
Improved Regrowth - Rank 5/5
Swiftmend - Rank 1/1
You have an extra 5 talents of your choice!
In PvP there is multiple roles for druids to choose from; flag carrier, healer, DPS as Feral or Balance. As of now, I have no recommendations when it comes to PvP. If you have a suggestion, ideas, or want to share your talent tree for PvP then post it on this tread!