Theorycrafting: Druids' Talents
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:17 am
As a fan of theorycrafting, I am here to help the community in creating helpful content for selecting the right talents as a druid. Vanilla offers so much flexibility when it comes to talent trees but it is very expensive to change talents to switch between roles so it's optimal to focus on one talent for a long run. Min-maxing is a great point to consider as well when it comes to leveling and raiding efficiency. There is many niches we want to consider when it comes to talent selections. This post serves to help you to select the right talents.
If you feel that I can add something to this post, send me a PM of your suggestion to what I can add or tweak. I want this thread to be as informative and accurate as possible.
Gearing Up: Pre-Raid & BiS
Credits goes to Lorilay
Theorycrafting: Druids' Stats
Credits goes to me.
Feral Combat
Pros: Feral does not run out of energy, can handle up to three mobs at once, and is capable of tanking in dungeons.
Cons: Small mana pool.
Recommended Talents:
Pros: Balance is great when fighting single mobs with high damage output, and you will be able to heal for dungeons.
Cons: Requires drinking for mana every 1-2 pull, and may run out of mana quickly when handling multiple mobs.
Recommended Talents:
Feral Combat --- Tanking
Pros: Tanks is always in high demand and is great at entry level tanking such as dungeons or small raids like UBRS. You are capable of off-tanking in raids and can switch to cat for DPS easily compared to warrior and paladin tanks with more restrictive talent tree.
Cons: Feral tanks has difficulty keeping aggro with multiple mobs but is manageable, and will struggle with tanking in more difficult against bosses in raids efficiently due to limited gear options.
Feral Combat --- DPS
Pros: Feral offers a high damage output in dungeons or small raids like UBRS.
Cons: Due to limited gear options in end-game content for Ferals, you may struggle to keep up in DPS with rest of the raiding core.
Pros: Balance deals a very high damage output and can provide insane dps bursts when needed.
Cons: Nicknamed "Oomkin" which is self-explanatory, requires frequent use of mana potions and innervates to maintain a healthy mana pool.
Pros: Restoration has a healthy demand so you will always be in raids and invited to dungeons but that's all to it. Who doesn't love to wave their hands in air, though?
Cons: More difficult to grind mobs due to a low damage output.
In PvP there is multiple roles for druids to choose from; flag carrier, healer, DPS as Feral or Balance. As of now, I have no recommendations when it comes to PvP. If you have a suggestion, ideas, or want to share your talent tree for PvP then post it on this tread!
If you feel that I can add something to this post, send me a PM of your suggestion to what I can add or tweak. I want this thread to be as informative and accurate as possible.
Gearing Up: Pre-Raid & BiS
Credits goes to Lorilay
Theorycrafting: Druids' Stats
Credits goes to me.
Feral Combat
Pros: Feral does not run out of energy, can handle up to three mobs at once, and is capable of tanking in dungeons.
Cons: Small mana pool.
Recommended Talents:
- Code: Select all
Select each talent in descending order...
1. Ferocity [5/5]
2. Thick Hide [5/5]
3. Feline Swiftness [3/3]
4. Sharpened Claws [3/3
5. Blood Frenzy [2/2]
6. Predatory Strikes [3/3]
7. Savage Fury [2/2]
8. Brutal Impact [2/2]
9. Faerie Fire [1/1]
10. Heart of the Wild [5/5]
11. Leader of the Pack [1/1]
12. Nature's Grasp [1/1] ----- Cannot be used while shapeshifted.
13. Improved Nature's Grasp [4/4]
14. Natural Weapons [5/5]
15. Omen of Clarity [1/1]
16. Feral Aggression [5/5]
Remaining 4 talent points is up to you for leveling.
Pros: Balance is great when fighting single mobs with high damage output, and you will be able to heal for dungeons.
Cons: Requires drinking for mana every 1-2 pull, and may run out of mana quickly when handling multiple mobs.
Recommended Talents:
- Code: Select all
Select each talent in descending order...
1. Improved Wrath [5/5]
2. Nature's Grasp [1/1]
3. Improved Nature's Grasp [4/4]
4. Improved Entangling Roots [3/3]
5. Nature's Reach [2/2]
6. Improved Starfire [5/5]
7. Moonglow [3/3]
8. Nature's Grace [1/1]
9. Improved Moonfire [5/5]
10. Vengeance [1/5]
11. Moonkin Form [1/1]
12. Vengeance [5/5]
13. Moonfury [5/5]
Remaining 11 talent points is up to you for leveling.
Feral Combat --- Tanking
Pros: Tanks is always in high demand and is great at entry level tanking such as dungeons or small raids like UBRS. You are capable of off-tanking in raids and can switch to cat for DPS easily compared to warrior and paladin tanks with more restrictive talent tree.
Cons: Feral tanks has difficulty keeping aggro with multiple mobs but is manageable, and will struggle with tanking in more difficult against bosses in raids efficiently due to limited gear options.
- Code: Select all
Feral Combat (40 points)
Ferocity - Rank 5/5
Feral Aggression - Rank 5/5
Feral Instinct - Rank 5/5
Brutal Impact - Rank 2/2
Thick Hide - Rank 5/5
Feral Charge - Rank 1/1
Sharpened Claws - Rank 3/3
Predatory Strikes - Rank 3/3
Primal Fury - Rank 2/2
Savage Fury - Rank 2/2
Faerie Fire (Feral) - Rank 1/1
Heart of the Wild - Rank 5/5
Leader of the Pack - Rank 1/1
Restoration (7 points)
Furor - Rank 5/5
Improved Enrage - Rank 2/2
Remaining 4 points is up to you to choose.
Feral Combat --- DPS
Pros: Feral offers a high damage output in dungeons or small raids like UBRS.
Cons: Due to limited gear options in end-game content for Ferals, you may struggle to keep up in DPS with rest of the raiding core.
- Code: Select all
Balance (13 points)
Nature's Grasp - Rank 1/1
Improved Nature's Grasp - Rank 4/4
Natural Weapons - Rank 5/5
Omen of Clarity - Rank 1/1
Nature's Reach - Rank 2/2
Feral Combat (38 points)
Ferocity - Rank 5/5
Feral Aggression - Rank 5/5
Brutal Impact - Rank 2/2
Thick Hide - Rank 5/5
Feline Swiftness - Rank 2/2
Sharpened Claws - Rank 3/3
Improved Shred - Rank 2/2
Predatory Strikes - Rank 3/3
Blood Frenzy - Rank 2/2
Savage Fury - Rank 2/2
Faerie Fire (Feral) - Rank 1/1
Heart of the Wild - Rank 5/5
Leader of the Pack - Rank 1/1
Pros: Balance deals a very high damage output and can provide insane dps bursts when needed.
Cons: Nicknamed "Oomkin" which is self-explanatory, requires frequent use of mana potions and innervates to maintain a healthy mana pool.
- Code: Select all
Balance (35 points)
Improved Wrath - Rank 5/5
Improved Moonfire - Rank 5/5
Natural Shapeshifter - Rank 3/3
Nature's Reach - Rank 2/2
Vengeance - Rank 5/5
Improved Starfire - Rank 5/5
Nature's Grace - Rank 1/1
Moonglow - Rank 3/3
Moonfury - Rank 5/5
Moonkin Form - Rank 1/1
Restoration (14 points)
Improved Mark of the Wild - Rank 5/5
Nature's Focus - Rank 5/5
Reflection - Rank 3/3
Insect Swarm - Rank 1/1
Pros: Restoration has a healthy demand so you will always be in raids and invited to dungeons but that's all to it. Who doesn't love to wave their hands in air, though?
Cons: More difficult to grind mobs due to a low damage output.
- Code: Select all
Restoration (46 points)
Improved Mark of the Wild - Rank 5/5
Improved Healing Touch - Rank 5/5
Nature's Focus - Rank 5/5
Reflection - Rank 3/3
Insect Swarm - Rank 1/1
Subtlety - Rank 5/5
Tranquil Spirit - Rank 5/5
Improved Rejuvenation - Rank 3/3
Nature's Swiftness - Rank 1/1
Gift of Nature - Rank 5/5
Improved Tranquility - Rank 2/2
Improved Regrowth - Rank 5/5
Swiftmend - Rank 1/1
You have an extra 5 talents of your choice!
In PvP there is multiple roles for druids to choose from; flag carrier, healer, DPS as Feral or Balance. As of now, I have no recommendations when it comes to PvP. If you have a suggestion, ideas, or want to share your talent tree for PvP then post it on this tread!