[Ferocious Bite, r5] is not in game yet, so I don't want to waste my time via lower rank testing. But it's mechanics seems to be not so easy to understand because of outcoming damage variation. I make this topic to share my ideas how it can be tested in future, to be sure I'm not wrong.
1) Ability is affected by target's armor - we can avoid it easily by facing npc without any armor, Slave Workers for example.
2) Ability consumes 35 energy to be used and all extra energy that converts to damage bonus 2.7 per extra energy point for r5. So the formula I can predict is [Flat damage, that depends on number of cp generated] + ( [Number of energy points] - 35 ) * 2.7 + [Attack power] * [Unknown modifier] = [Outcoming damage]
3) According to [Rip] mechanics, that I described in this post, [Flat damage, that depends on number of cp generated] is the values shown in the ability tooltip apparently. That was true for [Rip] - I think it's the same situation here.
4) For easier calculations we can wait for 100 energy each time required number of combo points are generated and only after this use [Ferocious Bite]. That means we always have 65 extra energy points -> 65 * 2.7 = 175.5 extra damage.
5) Previous statements lead to next formula [Flat damage from tooltip] + 175.5 + [Attack power] * [Unknown modifier] = [Outcoming damage], where [Unknown modifier] can be calculated.
6) With the [Unknown modifier] we have the final formula from statement #2.
7) [Outcoming damage] is the average value between 100++++ attacks of [Ferocious Bite] for each number of generated cp, for each value of ap.
I understand it's only prediction, but the most believable one in my opinion, based on [Rip]. We can simply check the dependence between attack power and outcoming damage - the result will be a line on graph. This will be not so neat.
And ye ability is affected by two talents.
What do you think about it