TheNIF wrote:I get the following error message:
[string "if IsCurrentAction(1) then UseAction(1); else if not IsCurrentA..."]:1:`end' expected near `<eof>'
Yeah sorry, I forgot to add extra "end" but don't try this shit anymore. Look at the next macro
- Code: Select all
/script t1=GetTime() t=t1-t2 if IsCurrentAction(1) and t>60 then UseAction(1); else if not IsCurrentAction(1) then t2=GetTime() UseContainerItem(0, 1); end; if not IsCurrentAction(1) and t<60 then UseAction(1); end; end
You won't even leave bear form if 60sec are not passed. Same rules as before, you just need to spam macro. But you also need to activate timers before you start active using. To do that you should stay in any form except bear (according to macro Bear Form must be located on first button of first action bar) and press this macro at least one time. That means you will use your potions this time without any need - I recommend to remove them from UseContainerItem(0, 1) bag slot before, and return back after activation. Your timers are reset each time you do reloging, and you should activate them again.
So, you just spam macro - each 60 seconds you leave bear form, use potion, enter bear form again. And it looks like you need 60 seconds to wait after activation of timers since macro won't work even if you have no cooldown on your potions