So I was wondering about the effectiveness of Regrowth vs healing touch rank 3-4 in end game content.
here's the build I came up with:
Basically this build uses Regrowth rank "?" ( I haven't decided which rank would be more effective yet with all the +healing.) instead of healing touch.
- 50% more crit chance on every cast
- 2 sec cast
- Hots
now would this be viable instead of healing touch? i'm bad at doing maths but here's the breakdown I got so far.
-Healing touch rank 4: 400 HP~ 2.5 sec cast ( with talent ). 185 mana cost
-Regrowth rank 2: 180 HP~ 2 sec cast, make it 360 if it crits + another 175 over 21 seconds. 205 mana cost.
i'm not sure how the +healing affect the regen from regrowth or how well it scales with the crits so i'm asking you resto druids experts, what do you think ? Could this be more effective than the standard 24/0/29 healing build?