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Theory on a new healing build for end game

PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:20 am
by Cronotrigger
So I was wondering about the effectiveness of Regrowth vs healing touch rank 3-4 in end game content.

here's the build I came up with:

Basically this build uses Regrowth rank "?" ( I haven't decided which rank would be more effective yet with all the +healing.) instead of healing touch.

- 50% more crit chance on every cast
- 2 sec cast
- Hots

now would this be viable instead of healing touch? i'm bad at doing maths but here's the breakdown I got so far.

-Healing touch rank 4: 400 HP~ 2.5 sec cast ( with talent ). 185 mana cost
-Regrowth rank 2: 180 HP~ 2 sec cast, make it 360 if it crits + another 175 over 21 seconds. 205 mana cost.

i'm not sure how the +healing affect the regen from regrowth or how well it scales with the crits so i'm asking you resto druids experts, what do you think ? Could this be more effective than the standard 24/0/29 healing build?

Re: Theory on a new healing build for end game

PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:40 pm
by Guirssane
Cronotrigger wrote:So I was wondering about the effectiveness of Regrowth vs healing touch rank 3-4 in end game content.

here's the build I came up with:

Basically this build uses Regrowth rank "?" ( I haven't decided which rank would be more effective yet with all the +healing.) instead of healing touch.

- 50% more crit chance on every cast
- 2 sec cast
- Hots

now would this be viable instead of healing touch? i'm bad at doing maths but here's the breakdown I got so far.

-Healing touch rank 4: 400 HP~ 2.5 sec cast ( with talent ). 185 mana cost
-Regrowth rank 2: 180 HP~ 2 sec cast, make it 360 if it crits + another 175 over 21 seconds. 205 mana cost.

i'm not sure how the +healing affect the regen from regrowth or how well it scales with the crits so i'm asking you resto druids experts, what do you think ? Could this be more effective than the standard 24/0/29 healing build?

Make a build on regrowth isn't a good idea, just because the mana cost is way too high, it's useless.

Re: Theory on a new healing build for end game

PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:06 pm
by Cronotrigger
Make a build on regrowth isn't a good idea, just because the mana cost is way too high, it's useless.

even when using a down ranked regrowth?

Re: Theory on a new healing build for end game

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:12 pm
by Threegnomes
Actually the previous post is very incorrect about regrowth being a bad spec. As currently I am the #1 resto Druid on the server for hps and I use a 21/0/30 regrowth build. While regrowth is not as mana efficient as healing touch, with healing touch u will excessively overheal due to long cast times.

The idea behind regrowth build is that u spec 21 points into balance for natures grace which reduces cast times by .5 seconds, paired with natural crit and 50% regrowth talents now u r on the same playing field as other 1.5 second casters a majority of the time. Regrowth also becomes more mana efficient due to critting often and on large area damage fights such as shazzrah in mc potentially, the hot is not often wasted and adds to efficiency.

Of course this build does demand major mana pots and runes, but if u wanted to be lazy and not pot u would be a paladin. The spec typically uses rank 3 and 5 regrowth, I very rarely have mana issues with his build and you also have innervate. If you're guild is only reserving innervate for priests maybe they need to re-evaluate your priests efficiency as I am almost never required to innervate anyone other than myself due to priests appropriately potting and following the 5 second rule when applicable.

Re: Theory on a new healing build for end game

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:33 pm
by Guirssane
Threegnomes wrote:Actually the previous post is very incorrect about regrowth being a bad spec. As currently I am the #1 resto Druid on the server for hps and I use a 21/0/30 regrowth build. While regrowth is not as mana efficient as healing touch, with healing touch u will excessively overheal due to long cast times.

The idea behind regrowth build is that u spec 21 points into balance for natures grace which reduces cast times by .5 seconds, paired with natural crit and 50% regrowth talents now u r on the same playing field as other 1.5 second casters a majority of the time. Regrowth also becomes more mana efficient due to critting often and on large area damage fights such as shazzrah in mc potentially, the hot is not often wasted and adds to efficiency.

Of course this build does demand major mana pots and runes, but if u wanted to be lazy and not pot u would be a paladin. The spec typically uses rank 3 and 5 regrowth, I very rarely have mana issues with his build and you also have innervate. If you're guild is only reserving innervate for priests maybe they need to re-evaluate your priests efficiency as I am almost never required to innervate anyone other than myself due to priests appropriately potting and following the 5 second rule when applicable.

Well of course you can atm, fight are so short right now that you can handle downranked regrowth but later on i'm not sure you'll keep your mana up during long boss fight. Healing touch is more mana efficient.
And 21 in balance is supposed to be for geared druidoo. But sure let's be selfish and keep innervate for yourself when priest gonna really need it on "hard"/long fight.
On your spec you can't even take moonglow or 5/5 gift of nature (You can if you don't take insta cast lel) which is a big waste and moonglow is the reason people usually go balance/resto spec.
About overheal, if you know how to precast and stopcast you won't have any problem using healing touch. I've seen some of your raidstat where you have like 11% + overheal which is a lot tbh. ... ?Raid=9445 ... Raid=14087

Re: Theory on a new healing build for end game

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:42 pm
by Serendepitys ... NRB&page=3 tbh both of you have pretty high overhealing, i do decent hps with no buffs/pots/runes and innervating priests. You just need to be efficient with rejuv's on priority targets.

And yes threegnomes, you do solid hps as 21/30 but for what reason? all your doing is trying to make yourself a worse 1.5 sec cast healer by using all these runes and pots and innervates to keep your mana pool up. Play druid as it should be played and abuse the niche it was given

Re: Theory on a new healing build for end game

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:34 pm
by Keftenk
Over healing is the crux of you healing inefficiently, however it doesn't exactly mean much if your raid isn't dieing. If people are dieing then yea, you need to change something up because you're starting to be a weaker link of the group. There are obviously other exceptions to this, such as decurse fights. However, currently there isn't a fight in the game that warrants this exception. I suppose Lucifron, Gehennas, Shaz. might if your raid group is severely lacking decurse/dispels.

Re: Theory on a new healing build for end game

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:47 am
by Talzia
I'd say, ask your raid leader. It depends on the role that they are wanting you to fill.

Personally, for us - I'd much rather run a druid as NG/Regrowth build, it's simply faster/better for raid healing, as long as the person is willing to consume it's long-term perfectly sustainable. We run 3G in this build because we run exceptionally melee heavy, and it's very good for melee healing. I'd rather use priests on tanks because of Inspiration. Having a druid on the tanks does nothing beneficial except a rejuv rolling, and there is no reason he cannot also roll rejuv on a tank in this build - in fact he does and has NP doing it.

As far as the 'issue' of who you use innervate on... I kind of think it's a non-issue. It's a druid urban legend that its wrong to innervate yourself, just depends on the fight and which portion of sustain is having issues that dictates where it's best for the vate to go to. He's correct in stating that we don't really have too many priest mana issues.

I think evaluating overhealing in MC when people are farming MC for 4+ months is not the best way to evaluate builds. If your guild is doing BWL PTR you should evaluate and adjust based on how you do in there, or when BWL is released, and really for each tier of content - constantly re-evaluate.

It's basically all about bringing the right kit to raids for the role you're being given and expected to fill. If your raid leader wants you to tank heal, then you're basically being asked to go HT + Rejuv. If you're being asked to raid heal a majority of the time, then regrowth build would probably be something you'd want to look at and consider. Druids are basically the jack of all trades type that fit into whatever niche is needed so a lot of it is going to depend on what you are being asked to do.

Re: Theory on a new healing build for end game

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:57 am
by Stalk
The reports on Overhealing are not showing correctly for druids at the moment because on Nostalrius the tics for Rejuvenation and Regrowth will not show on the target or in the combat log if the target of the buff is at full health when the tic occurs.

Threegnomes has to use this build to boost his heals because his raid group is only using 8 healers. Only 2 paladins in some cases so that probably means they do not get to abuse the Blessing of Light bugged buff. He pretty much has to carry the healing with crit heals and constant usage of non-cancelled spell casts. The real power of druid healing (other than imp. thorns, motw, decurse, abolish, and rebirth) should be the emergency heals. Sadly, the Swiftmend consumption priority does not seem to be blizzlike here since it will always consume Rejuvenation before it consumes a Regrowth and it also does not seem to critically heal.

Re: Theory on a new healing build for end game

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:03 am
by Talzia
Stalk wrote:The reports on Overhealing are not showing correctly for druids at the moment because on Nostalrius the tics for Rejuvenation and Regrowth will not show on the target or in the combat log if the target of the buff is at full health when the tic occurs.

Threegnomes has to use this build to boost his heals because his raid group is only using 8 healers. Only 2 paladins in some cases so that probably means they do not get to abuse the Blessing of Light bugged buff. He pretty much has to carry the healing with crit heals and constant usage of non-cancelled spell casts. The real power of druid healing (other than imp. thorns, motw, decurse, abolish, and rebirth) should be the emergency heals. Sadly, the Swiftmend consumption priority does not seem to be blizzlike here since it will always consume Rejuvenation before it consumes a Regrowth and it also does not seem to critically heal.

This is pretty accurate, swiftmend on Nostalrius is weak, it's my preference to have him on raid healing and we do underheal and frequently do not utilize the bugged BoL just due to comp or buff preferences - and we do not do things like stack multiple lights or anything. The spec absolutely works and it rocks for what it does, which is raid heal. It's been working for BWL PTR for us as well, and we plan on continuing to use it for the forseeable future. Just if you wanna use it clear it with your raid leader and make sure you'll be raid healing because for tank healing it's not gonna be as effective as a HT build.