Wongdoo wrote:You can completely ignore the attackspeed and weapon dps and just look at the stats.
What about the weapon base damage (not its dps)? Does it impact on yours? Should I ignore it too?
Yes, you should ignore that too.
Also, chance-on-hit effects on weapons do not work either.
For example, weapons that have
chance on hit effects, such as shooting shadow bolts or causing bleeding dots, also do
not work in feral forms.
Enchants that have
chance on hit effects, such as crusader and lifestealing enchants, also do not work in feral forms.
Windfury totem does not work in feral forms.
Only raw stats, on your weapon work in feral forms. Attackpower, strength, agility, +hit and +crit.
Enchants made by enchanters, that give weapon damage or stats (such as enchant 2h-weapon: +9 weapon damage, or enchant weapon: +15 strength) also work.
All chance on hit effects that are NOT on a weapon work in feral forms. Setbonuses such as Stormshroud setbonus works in feral form, the Hand of Justice trinket works in feral forms.
Weightstones work in feral forms.