+9 Dmg or +15 Str?
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:02 pm
I'm curious if anyone knows the theorycraft well enough to know which is better for feral cat dps: +9 weapon dmg or +15 str on weapon?
TheNIF wrote:15 str would corespond to (with 5/5 hotw and BoK) 15*1,2*1,1*2=39.6 attackpower.
It takes 3.5 attackpower to increase your dps by 1. So since cat attackspeed is 1sec, it would correspond to 9*3.5=31.5 attackpower.
15 str is therefore better.
Finalflash wrote:you need 14 attack power to get 1 dps in cat form.
+9 wep dmg = 126 attack power
Dense Weightstone(+8 wep dmg) = 112 attack power
these 2 enchants stack
Finalflash wrote:you need 14 attack power to get 1 dps in cat form.
+9 wep dmg = 126 attack power
Dense Weightstone(+8 wep dmg) = 112 attack power
these 2 enchants stack
Yurf wrote:Finalflash wrote:you need 14 attack power to get 1 dps in cat form.
+9 wep dmg = 126 attack power
Dense Weightstone(+8 wep dmg) = 112 attack power
these 2 enchants stack
Have you tested to make sure +dmg works in forms on Nost? It didn't on live, from my memory.