Hello all,
My druid is slowly edging towards level 60 now and I'm wondering what my best options are for gearing up.
I've leveled as Feral, as with most sane people, and will soon be looking to gear for pre-raid. My question is whether or not I'm going to find a group as feral, and if not will I find a group as resto?
I've typically lent towards playing the healer so I would be more then happy to do dungeons as a non-DPS however as my only res has a fairly long cool down will I be less desirable than a priest to the point where nobody wants me?
Lets say people do want me, how hard will it be for me to swap my gear out to a healer set to actually be able to do dungeons?
Alternatively, do people actually want Feral druids? From what I can see on the forums it seems not really.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Yours sincerely,