Elfeey wrote:I want to use some feral in PvP but not respec and go broke every time I have to switch from Questing/raid -> Feral, vice versa.EDIT: I made this talent tree quickly in AoWoW, tell me what you think/what I should do to improve it.
1) You want to PvP, but you didn't take 1\1 Nature Grasp?
2) [3\5 Feral Instinct + 2\2 Brutal Impact] OR [5\5 Feral Instinct] in my opinion is better than [1\5 Feral Instinct + 2\2 Brutal Impact + 2\5 Thick Hide], because effects from 1\5 FI and 2\5 TH is very subtle.
3) For PvP purposes you should have 5\5 Furor to make Reshift+Feral Charge thing possible.
4) 5\5 Subtlety, "MOSTLY", useless in PvE, and obviosly total waste of 5 points for PvP.
5) 2\2 Imp. Tranquility is useless for both PvE (Raids) and PvP. I can't even remember when i've used Tranq in Raids last time
6) 5\5 Imp. Regrowth might be usable in some circumstances, both in PvP and PvE, but mostly it is highly inefficient spell, due to high manacost, and it doesn't make much sense to use it without Nature Grace talent.
This is the build I've used few months ago for PvE (Raids healing + 5\10ppl Tanking) and PvP (without cat dps):
1/29/21I noticed 2\2 Feline Swiftness in your build - i assume you want to do some parts of PvP battles as a cat, so i've adjusted my build to fit better for your purposes:
check this out