Eh, million threads about this is not enough, so hello, there is one more

Yes you can be a dps\offtank in high-end content, it depends only on your gear\skill\eagerness to play this way.
If you are ready to push it for 110% of dedication, invest a lot of money in to consumables - you can do this.
This is a 7-8k population server, if you are dedicated enough - you can find a guild for yourself. You wont be in top of dps list, but you wont be lowest as well. Same for tanking - you wont be as good as a prot warrior, but you will be able to tank some encounters and trash packs very well.
It is only a matter of dedication, so real question is - are you ready for this? Is that really what you want for? If yes - keep leveling.
PS In my opinion, ally cats are better for dps, because they can benefit from paladins ap blessing, while horde cats can't benefit from wf.