Back in the vanilla days of retail, at least on my server, there was an unwritten rule amongst druids not to gank each other. Obviously the NPC guards contributed to that but even when there was opportunity to pop a lowbie doing his aquatic form quest or something, people generally let their fellow druids go about their business unmolested.
However, by the time I quit retail in WOTLK, that ceasefire had basically ended. There was no quarter given to fellow druids and trying to complete low level class quests often found moonglade a treacherous zone.
So my question is which of these two attitudes do you hope to cultivate here on Nost? As we druids level up and perform our various quests in the zone or to train new skills, will you take a "if its red its dead" policy or will you look past the faction difference and see them as fellow druids just doing their thing?
I for one will choose the latter. I always felt like moonglade was our special place and it gave us druids a sense of community that both transcended faction lines and was unique to our class.