I thought it would be a good idea to concentrate all known Druid bugs (and our interests) in one thread.
If you want to report new bugs please make sure
- they are in fact bugs (double-check)
- they are related to the Druid class
- to give a short yet detailed description of it.
May all bugs be eradicated from Azeroth.
Caster Form + Cat / Bear abilities "lock"
Melvin wrote:When a Druid is mind controlled / transformed while being in Cat or Bear Form and the effect fades (s)he is "locked" in Caster Form with cat or bear abilities - this can happen in SFK while fighting Arugal, in ST while fighting the Avatar of Hakkar, in Stratholme (UD) at Baroness Anastari and - on purpose - when using Noggenfogger Elixir.
NPCs reacting to prowling Druids
balsh wrote:And for the stealth bug I've reported earlier it's about the warning the mobs should do when you get close (they should stop moving and make a noise when you're close to be detected, there is none atm).
Moonfire rank overwrite
Moxey wrote:low rank moonfire dot overwrites high rank moonfire dot, this should not be happening. Im supposed to be able to have high rank moonfire dot ticking while i spam lower rank for damage/spell interrupt. Pretty useful in pvp.
Thorns rank overwrite and damage vs. elementals
Melvin wrote:Lower ranks of Thorns overwrite higher ranks of Thorns.
Keftenk wrote:In the combat log Thorns is displaying as Nature Damage, however fighting versus Earth Elementals (and all Nature Immune monsters?) Thorns is still doing damage to them. However, Wrath and Faerie Fire shows up correctly as "Immune".
Multiple Entangling Roots (this could be a "blizzlike" bug)
balsh wrote:Entangling roots:
You can cast as many Entangling roots as you want at the same time on multiple targets (with nature grasp as well).
Only one Entangling roots should be active, the previous one should break as soon as you cast a new one. (like sheep for mages,the debuff should only affect one target)
Ivina wrote:I think this is intended on Nostalrius.
I am sure this was already discussed in old Nostalrius forums. Sadly they are no more accessible. I think there was a link to the proof that you could use this spell on 2 targets in vanilla. That probably wasn't intended by Blizzard though, but this is not the discussion.
Whatever, we need profs before changing this.
Roots in ZF (outdoor instances in general?)
Melvin wrote:Roots aren't working properly in ZF. You can root mobs, but they will still follow the tank (or player with highest threat) while rooted - making roots completely useless.
Tranquility animation
Keftenk wrote:To add to the Druid bugs Tranquilities animation graphic only displays for the first 2-3 seconds and then it disappears.
Faerie Fire (Feral) talent icon and talent points counter (common bug on Vanilla servers)
Harm wrote:When taking this talent you get the skill, but the icon is still greyed out and the point spent disappears from the Points spent in Feral Combat Talents counter showing 1 less point than I should ahve at this lvl. I do not know if this means I have to wait an extra lvl to get the next tier of talents or if it is just a display bug.
I have also tried to respec twice and it did not change anything.
Update: Despite of a recent "fix" this bug is still present while spending talent points. At least it will disappear now after a relog.