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PowerShift macro

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:28 pm
by Syrma
I have started playing PvE druid last week and I have been trying to find (and couldn't, sorry) a macro which would do this:

Simply put I am in catform and I want to powershift to catform with one click. I currently have a spammable macro for me to get into catform and get out of cat form if energy < 30. So I can safely spam it with furor and Wolfshead helm. But it would still be more comfortable to just do it in 1 click/hotkey.

Also I notice when spamming my macro, sometimes there's a little delay when shaping into the catform - could it be because my character just wants to do an autoattack in a caster form? I want to avoid missing the timing on the ticks as much as possible.


Re: PowerShift macro

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:44 pm
by Fegan
/script u=UnitMana('Player'); c=CastSpellByName; f=UnitPowerType("Player"); if (u<=30) and (f==3) then c"Cat Form"; elseif (f==0) then c"Cat Form"; end;

- if u are in caster form u are going to cat
- if u are in cat and have less or equal 30 energy u are cancelling cat

This is a spamable button that will allow u to powershift and not go away from cat if u just switched to it :]

Try if it works, got this from another Forum (Feenix)

Re: PowerShift macro

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:38 pm
by Syrma
Maybe I was not clear, sorry for that...but that is what I am using right now.

What I want:

When Im in cat and press "the macro" I will shift out and in again. As there is no cd for shifting out I thought it might be possible to do with only one press of a button. So, is it? :)

Re: PowerShift macro

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:03 pm
by Lorilay
Syrma wrote:Maybe I was not clear, sorry for that...but that is what I am using right now.

What I want:

When Im in cat and press "the macro" I will shift out and in again. As there is no cd for shifting out I thought it might be possible to do with only one press of a button. So, is it? :)

Not possible in vanilla.

Re: PowerShift macro

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:34 pm
by Syrma
Thank you. I thought that might be the case as I could not find it anywhere.