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Best PvP spec to build around Feralheart?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:02 am
by Suecotero
So I've made it my mission to get and upgrade the entire Druid dungeon set. Partly because it looks fucking amazing, but partly because it is one of the few true hybrid sets in the game and caters to a playstyle that for me epitomizes what druiding is supposed to be about.

Obviously, the one-track nature of PvE gives few uses to hybrid sets. You're generally only doing one thing in any given PvE fight, whether it's healing, tanking or DPS-ing. Here BiS blues will outperform hybrid gear (if we assume everything goes as planned).

In a PvP fight, thing are far less predictable. you can find yourself doing physical damage, tanking it, casting damage spells as well as healing people all in a same fight. So what I want to know is: What spec is best suited to a true hybrid style that caters to the feralheart set? What role does it have in PvP? Could it possibly have a role in PvE?

Re: Best PvP spec to build around Feralheart?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 2:32 pm
by Viorus
Feral / Resto.

Re: Best PvP spec to build around Feralheart?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:42 pm
by flowison
Viorus wrote:Feral / Resto.

i think you can perform 2 roles well at the same time.
tank & heal
moonkin & heal

Re: Best PvP spec to build around Feralheart?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:03 pm
by Lefeu
0/30/21 1/29/21 are pretty standard hybrid builds that works well in pvp and pve. Fun and allround. Some gear switching and you can do well as both heal and feral. Feralheart is kinda bland for all. But works. You won't be superleet at anything. I wouldn't try to go deep into balance. You can go for swiftmend/feral charge but I would gear much more for healzorz if so.

Re: Best PvP spec to build around Feralheart?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:16 am
by Mahtan
For PvP and PvE (raids) I suggest 1/29/21 or 0/30/21, too. You can use Feralheart in PvP and dungeons and in raids you can switch to dedicated healing gear.

As far as I'm concerned, I have played 13/33/5 with Feralheart.
You loose some important healing talents in resto and it's harder to heal in healing gear in raids. In return you get 10% more damage for cat/bear, cheaper shifting (which is very important for hybrid playstyle) and a very undervalued talent: Omen of Clarity.
Omen of Clarity provides a significant boost in cat dps for dungeons (more shreds), clearcasts can be used after shifting out of cat to throw out a regrowth (880 mana that you don't have to pay) for a solid heal and very long heal over time. The clearcast can be even used for Hurricane, for example in the Lyceum in BRD ;)
It just adds some variety to cat playstyle and is a lot of fun. The addon PowerAuras is very helpful to see clearcasting whenever it shows up.

Oh and I also have a question. When will Feralheart be implemented on Nostalrius? With Patch 1.10 (2016/07) or is T0,5 even available now? Sorry for the question, but I play on the PvE realm and wanted to be sure about the current situation on the PvP realm ;)

Re: Best PvP spec to build around Feralheart?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:12 am
by Massimec
Hey guys!I am now levelling on PvsE server,with a druid at level 32.

For now i enjoy tank in dungeon and questing with cat in solo,and im pretty new to wow.Can you link me plz The build related to hybrid spec Feral/tank?For hybrid spec you mean that i can Tank/Heal or Dps/HEal,with a swich gear,rigth?

Re: Best PvP spec to build around Feralheart?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:12 am
by Rant

Depending on what you want to do you can move some points around but that's the basic hybrid build.

Re: Best PvP spec to build around Feralheart?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 3:00 pm
by JurkenSlynan
30/21 Feral/Resto for sure.