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Leveling Spec for Druid

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:13 pm
by lite
I'm looking for a leveling spec for Druid that will let me heal in dungeons on the way to 60. I also would like to see what a Resto Druid for PvE looks like at 60.

Re: Leveling Spec for Druid

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:44 pm
by Draenin
Imagine being someone like this, unable to think for himself or even read his own talents, unable to do the most basic of googling. It's almost un-settling and I wouldn't believe they'd be such degenerates in this world but there they are.

Re: Leveling Spec for Druid

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:43 am
by Lorilay
Level as feral. Save cloth gear with +int on it and you can heal just fine.

Re: Leveling Spec for Druid

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:28 pm
by Doofoos
Doofoos wrote:I suggest you to spend first talent to the 1\1 Nature Grasp in Balance, next talents to feral tree till 2\2 Feline Swiftness and 1\1 Feral Charge, so you will have 30% movement speed in cat and Feral Charge on 23 lvl. Then, in theory, would be better to take Furor 5\5 in resto tree, so you can have 100% chance on 28 lvl to jump to bear and immediately charge to the opponent and break his casting and immobilize him, i think it is a must have talents for low level druids survival at Nostalrius.
And where to put next talents is a very hard decision. Omen Of Clarity itself is not THAT good, but it can be very useful, especially on healing low-lvl instances. Yes healing. You just buff it on yourself and hitting mobs with your weapon till Omen procs, and then, yay free regrowths\ht's. It does proc in caster form very well. But it does require from you to spend a lot of talents to the balance tree. So you can wait a bit for it and keep spending talents to the Feral tree till Feral Faerie Fire (which is must have vs rogues\stealthers), and then switch to balance and pick 3\3 Natural Shapeshifter first, which might help you to save a lot of mana on pvp reshifts, and then take 5\5 Natural Weapons which will buff your damage in all forms and finally you will have Omen on 49 lvl.
This path might looks weird but it has a lot of sense in my opinion (at least till 28 lvl), and when i leveled i did almost the same (with some differences).

Re: Leveling Spec for Druid

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 2:23 pm
by lite
Draenin wrote:Imagine being someone like this, unable to think for himself or even read his own talents, unable to do the most basic of googling. It's almost un-settling and I wouldn't believe they'd be such degenerates in this world but there they are.

Dude I was just asking a simple question because it's hard to find good information online about vanilla. If you didn't like my post, don't reply to it. It's really not that hard.

And thanks to everyone who did reply with some information and actually tried to help.

Re: Leveling Spec for Druid

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 7:42 am
by Draenin
lite wrote:Good information online

Once you're ingame do me a favour, press the "N" button on your keyboard without having keyed into the chat box, now you'll either see a box up come or nothing. If it's nothing then go to the bottom right of the screen and look for the target-thing icon, it'll have "Talents" in the toolbar.

Might be scary, but I want you to hover your cursor/mouse over a talent. Now you should see a very handy tool-tip that shows all of the information needed! Wow! Amazing! Cool! Now you can find out YOURSELF?!?!?!? What -YOU- want and what -YOU- don't want! Crazy! Now you can have 60 levels to iron-out your talents and learn about your class! Go on slugger, I believe in you.

Re: Leveling Spec for Druid

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 8:37 pm
by lite
I don't want to start drama but seriously dude what's your problem? If you don't want to help then don't, just move on with your life. You must really get off on trying to act like a douche online.

How about you do me a favor and give me your name in game so that i can put you on my ignore list.

Re: Leveling Spec for Druid

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 11:40 am
by Finalflash
Clear violation of forum rules.

Re: Leveling Spec for Druid

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 3:01 am
by Viorus
trolls are best ignored OP

Re: Leveling Spec for Druid

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 6:22 pm
by Viorus
Sorry, I didn't answer your question. Any spec will allow you to heal to level 60. Just make sure you have enough intelligence / spirit gear to heal.