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A place for Balance druid prior to AQ and so forth

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:09 pm
by Nobbynobs
Heya! I am intending to start on the PvE realm and was really hoping that despite the somewhat substantiated rumours, I'd be able to be an efficient raider with a Boomking. If this is an option, would you give me pointers as how to perch my would-be furry posterior on the Promised Nest? I appeal to your better nature, oh, you druid savants and cognoscenti. Advice from ornithologists is also welcome.

Kind regards,
Nobby (not a knob)

I scoured the forum, or at least the first two pages, and came across this: viewtopic.php?f=41&t=20561&start=20 A nifty little discussion about the question I imprudently raised here. Anywho, since I am willing to put the extra effort into making a Balance Druid work, I will be hard at it over the next few months.

However! I do require assistance with regards to professions and itemization since I am but a mere owlet. Heh. And here's to all you detractors of Owls!

Re: A place for Balance druid prior to AQ and so forth

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:48 am
by Jaykylls
Greetings to you!

I am also a balance druid of unremarkable skill and wonder the same things!

Hoping for replies,

Re: A place for Balance druid prior to AQ and so forth

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:08 am
by Syrma
I would say that Tailoring is a must have in order to get the Bloodvine set bonus as the Owl lacks in Spell hit from talents.

Re: A place for Balance druid prior to AQ and so forth

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:56 pm
by Syphonize
Be sure you are ready to farm plenty of Demonic Runes. Learn mana management and know when to downrank your spells and when you do not need to, which mostly comes from practice and experience. Keep an offspec healing set for those times when your guild is low on healers and be willing to heal when your guild needs you. Other than that, have fun!

Re: A place for Balance druid prior to AQ and so forth

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 2:28 pm
by Nobbynobs
Greetings and gratitude for your replies!

However, I do have another query -- isn't the Bloodvine set something that comes much later on in the server progression, as I am meaning to start on the fresh PvE server? Pardon my ignorance if that's not the case.

Re: A place for Balance druid prior to AQ and so forth

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:18 pm
by Arev
bloodvine set becomes available with the ZG patch (1.7).

The bloodvine boots, legs, and chest are made by tailors but they are BoE.

The bloodvine googles are made by engineers and are also BoE.

Engineering bombs may give you a slight dps increase in some boss encounters, but I am not aware of any other profession-specific bonuses that would help a moonkin.

I understand your asking about before ZG/AQ, but until then there really isn't enough gear optimization available for moonkin. You need the spell hit from bloodvine, and at the early gear levels you won't have the mana regen to keep up. You will need basically an infinite supply of Dark/Demonic runes and Major Mana potions to use on CD, and you will still pull significantly lower damage than a mage/lock putting in the same effort.

It's not impossible to play, but be aware that many guilds will simply ignore you over a mage/lock for many reasons. You will have to put in significantly more work to pull significantly less damage.

Re: A place for Balance druid prior to AQ and so forth

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:00 pm
by ShaqPack
It's a lot more realistic to just roll as resto and raid til your guild gets to AQ40 and hope they love you enough to let you switch. The thing is the bloodvine set is great but the lack of stats is a pretty big deal here since druid's sorely need spirit for regen as well as the int for a big mana pool. As others have said you'll want to farm consumables A LOT. Scholomance for dark runes in particular, and you may have to heal (as it's the norm that the healers get those runes).

Re: A place for Balance druid prior to AQ and so forth

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:38 pm
by Nobbynobs
Ah, well that's a bit of a turn. Your arguments have been quite cogent and helpful. Alas, my hopes are dashed and I will go down the path of healing. Not a bad career option, not by any stretch. Just hoped I could carouse with the fellows as an Owl. Oh well, many thanks.

Re: A place for Balance druid prior to AQ and so forth

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 3:44 pm
by Norjak
The consensus seems to be that you would be not worth taking a raid spot in many guilds, because your DPS is too low. Some guild (or PUG runs) might take you for the crit aura to help the Mages in your group. You will be constantly oom and would be using downranked Starfire, etc a lot to save mana. You absolutely need to farm demonic runes/mana pots to stay competitive.
Most people will just go Resto until AQ, as somebody else already mentioned. If you really have fun as a Boomkin, that's cool but you will probably be pugging or running with trash guilds a lot.

Syrma wrote:I would say that Tailoring is a must have in order to get the Bloodvine set bonus as the Owl lacks in Spell hit from talents.

The 3-pc tailoring bonus is Crit not hit. Anyone would receive the Hit from simply wearing each piece. Crit is not a game-changer although it does provide a nice DPS boost.

Re: A place for Balance druid prior to AQ and so forth

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 6:30 pm
by Viorus
Nobbynobs wrote:Ah, well that's a bit of a turn. Your arguments have been quite cogent and helpful. Alas, my hopes are dashed and I will go down the path of healing. Not a bad career option, not by any stretch. Just hoped I could carouse with the fellows as an Owl. Oh well, many thanks.

At the end of the day play what makes you happy. Who cares if your DPS isn't @ max? If you're going to show up and do a good job I'd rather your play what you want than something you're going to play half-assed.