by Ziphr » Wed Dec 16, 2015 4:41 pm
Like others have said, healing at 60 is very different from leveling
for instance, at 60 youll get a bunch of +healing gear which will make spamming low ranks of healing touch extremely efficient. Your goal will be to try to squeeze every bit of use out of that bonus healing
While leveling, you wont have any significant amount of bonus healing- and max rank spells will actually be more efficient if you dont overheal and your goal will instead be(ideally, barring terrible groups with tons of damage and everyone tanking) to cast either a huge efficient heal and rejuv, or regrowth and rejuv, and then not cast for as long as possible- if you dont cast for 5 seconds you start regenning mana at full spirit rate. Since the only healing stats you really get leveling are int and spirit its nice. You can count that free mana regenned twards the efficiency of your healing- if you spam low ranks like at 60 you will never get that
As an excuse to level some horde characters, I leveled a second monk as mistweaver in MoP just to learn mistweaving- which was a great choice btw, its was great leveling. I also leveled a second warrior once when I hadnt tanked in a long time to relearn the new expansion's tank design
but also, I leveled my first alt, a druid, in retail vanilla as "mostly resto"
this is ten years ago, but it went something like this
10-32 feral- The low tier resto talents arent worth much, you wont miss it healing stockades and deadmknes or wc.
32-51 full resto- At 32 and beyond you could basically dungeon grind to 60, all the SMs, ulda, zf, mara, st, brd ect. I basically ran dungeons 32-51. Its not the most efficient route, but I actually like dungeons so it works
51-58/59 Feral again- Grinded AV while leveling for that godly healing offhand since you have to do it sooner or later. I went feral to grind in caves. After AV, there are also a number of outstanding quest rewards for resto available near 60 so being feral to grind those out efficiently is really nice.
then back resto.
I dont know if you can level effectively in AV on the PvP server, Id imagine everyone is doing it now lol. Also if you're on PvE server then there is no AV.
Strongly recommend staying feral until at least 32, there really is no reason not to be. Healing SM to ST will give you experience with all your spells as resto. Even if theres no AV Id still suggest(if you do get resto at some point) going back feral after you start feeling confident in your healing.
Im an herbalist/miner, and just having to kill one mob near an ocassional chest or mob-crowded node makes me cry everytime..
Oh, also, download luna unit frames and build your UI while you're leveling. No reason to train your healing if you arent going to train with all your tools
I still auggeat like everyone else though, just level feral. You can heal most the stuff as feral anyways- most the dungeons you run while leveling dont have healing specced healers, and barring stupidity they do just fine. The only spell youll be missing as not-resto is swiftmend, which, while awesome, is not required and tbh mostly just used for sniping heals from fgt paladins trying to top off a target in no danger with avhot on them. PS fuck those guys :p