I'd like to say in advance, I apologize for my rant.

I've been trying to put together a Theoretical setup that would allow a Druid tank to get as close as possible to defense cap while trying to maintain optimal stats. I won't beat around the bush. Lets jump right in

First off all, my understanding of randomized stats from greens and rare blues for "of the defense" is very simple. For example, Atal'ai Spaulders. These can come with "of the agility" which will be 20 Agility max. Where as, "of the defense" comes as 12-13. This is because (for whatever reason), "of the defense" is counted as two stats instead of one, when trying to come up with randomized stats. So it will make it pretty easy to know what blue/greens items will give "of the defense" if you know what a 2stat verison of it will give. IE: Atal'ai Spaulders of the monkey will give 12-13agi and 12-13 stam.
I am also inquiring another thing in Bear Tanking. Regardless of the acceptance of Bear tanks not being able to get defense capped, people still try to push themselves to get the best possible gear that compliment bear tanks. Knowing that, there's currently guilds on the PvP server that allow and have bear tanks in their progression raids. Yet the end results of Progression Raiding will lead to Naxx40, which will lead to the 4HM raid encounter.
The 4 HM encounter. According to several sources, requires 8 Geared tanks with T3 4pc bonus in order to properly tank the encounter without relying on major RNG luck. Now according to the 4pc bonus, it state:
- Code: Select all
(4) Set: Improves your chance to hit with Taunt and Challenging Shout by 5%.
Now it clearly states: "Chance to hit". Meaning, equivalent to having 5% hit on your gear. Wrong. Taunts don't miss, they get resisted. and if you do put together 5%+ hit on your tank gear, it will still get resisted. Which means this bonus is an affect towards Spell Hit and/or Reducing the chance your Taunt can be resisted by 5%. Which brings me to this lovely item:
- Code: Select all
Equip: Decreases the magical resistances of your spell targets by 10.
I cannot confirm or disprove from any sources that Genesis Boots do indeed affect Taunts. Taunt spells/abilities are Physical School but do not benefit from Hit Rating. Since Hit rating does help towards Physical Abilities, but not taunt; Not to mention Taunt can be "resisted" --- That leads me to believe that This will indeed make Taunt less likely to be resisted. By how much? I have no idea seeing how These are not going to be available for another 5-6 months. However if this is the case, Druid tanks would be able to compete in all content, including 4 Horsemen encounter.
Now that that rant is over, Lets get into the Defense Cap Gear. For those who don't know. Defense Cap is 440 (300 Default + 140)
Head - Genesis Helm (3pc Bonus)
Neck - Mark of C'Thun (10 Def)
Shoulders - Atal'ai Spaulders of Defense (13 Def)
Back - Cryptfiend Silk Cloak (7 Def)
Chest - Genesis Vest (3pc Bonus)
Wrists - Cinderhide Armsplints of Defense (9 Def)
Hands - Slaghide Gauntlets of Defense (14 Def)
Waist - Adventurer's Belt of Defense (14 Def)
Legs - Adventurer's Legguards of Defense(19 Def)
Feet - Genesis Boots (3pc Bonus = 15 Def + Spell Resist)
Finger 1 - Ring of Emperor Vek'lor (9 Def)
Finger 2 - Heavy Dark Iron Ring (5 Def)
Trinket 1 - Styleen's Impeding Scarab (13 Def)
Trinket 2 - Onyxia Blood Talisman (8 Def)
Weapon - Warden Staff (10 Def)
Defense Enchants:
Core Armor Kit - Chest/Legs/Hands/Feet = (12 Def)
Bracers - (3 Def).
This setup will give you a grand total of 161 Defense. Now this is Theoretical and I cannot confirm if all these items come with "of defense". However, take this as you will. Not sure if this was helpful to anyone. But I had a major Rant-acking sensation and these are my results. Not even sure if these are the best possible stats or if the stats are available. Anyways, enjoy ^-^