Project: Moonkin

I'm a dedicated moonkin player. I played balance in nearly every version of WoW, and while I did raid on Feenix as resto for a couple of months, something clearly was missing. The owlbeast of moonkin vanilla PVE eluded me ever since: years passed, new expansions came and with them new challenges. I enjoyed them immensely, but at the same time I knew a key piece was missing ...
My plan is to obtain insane gear as a balance druid.

Now, I won't be the first - there are numerous instances of players getting their owls kited in epics. Unlike hybrids such are ele shamans or ret paladins, moonkins in fact are capable of decent DPS. They just tend to struggle with mana, which is a problem that needs to be dealt in a couple different ways.
For more information about moonkin viablity and gameplay, check those links (Feenix might be a terrible project not worth playing on, but its forums include a lot of good info):
Moonkin Naxx raider
Moonkin pre-raid BiS
The above pre-raid BiS list assumes ZG released, which won't be the case on Nostalrius for a while. That's fine, because I won't start raiding until ZG is released. Here's the plan:

Project: Moonkin
1. Level to 60 as feral. Self explanatory, I'll try not to waste too much time, but won't rush either.
2. When 60, spec resto and heal dungeons. Get some +spirit and +int gear, try to snag some caster gear as well. Note: I may start healing dungeons before I reach 60, since some of them don't really require max level.
3. Spec balance. Start running 5-mans to obtain the best caster gear possible. Learn herbalism and tailoring. Start farming herbs for all the consumables needed for raiding as a moonkin. I don't know how long this phase will last, it all depends on how soon ZG is released, but I'll need a lot of plants.
4. Upon ZG release, spec resto. Run ZG to obtain the epic +spirit healing staff, which will be used for Innervates. Get the Bloodvine set.
5. Spec balance. Start writing insane applications to various raiding guilds. This may be one of the hardest parts, since the general view of balance druids is still fairly negative, but eventually I should land in a decent guild.
6. Raid. Hopefully at this point I'll have enough alchemy mats to last me a while, even though I'll probably still have to farm. I don't know for how long I'll be raiding, but the goal right now is to at least kill C'Thun and get AQ40/BWL geared. Possibly Naxx.
7. Keep raiding/start demolishing horde in BGs and world. Or stop raiding completely and just make people rage by critting them for over 1K with instants.
8. Sell the character for big money, buy an island, retire in great wealth and start working on your memoir. A life well lived!
9. Dubstep doesn't sound so terrible now that it's out of fashion.
10. Pancakes.

Of course I hope I won't be the only one partaking in this glorious adventure. I made this thread to inform and inspire other hatchlings like me, who plan to bathe their enemies in flames of Elune. The path ahead of us may be steep, but it's also a rewarding one. After all, that's what vanilla is all about: conquering challenges while laughing in the face of adversity!
Feel free to leave any questions or comments (Patreon link should be added shortly, since the above plan will require me to quit my job and sever most real life relationships - make sure to donate).
I'm a dedicated moonkin player. I played balance in nearly every version of WoW, and while I did raid on Feenix as resto for a couple of months, something clearly was missing. The owlbeast of moonkin vanilla PVE eluded me ever since: years passed, new expansions came and with them new challenges. I enjoyed them immensely, but at the same time I knew a key piece was missing ...
My plan is to obtain insane gear as a balance druid.

Now, I won't be the first - there are numerous instances of players getting their owls kited in epics. Unlike hybrids such are ele shamans or ret paladins, moonkins in fact are capable of decent DPS. They just tend to struggle with mana, which is a problem that needs to be dealt in a couple different ways.
For more information about moonkin viablity and gameplay, check those links (Feenix might be a terrible project not worth playing on, but its forums include a lot of good info):
Moonkin Naxx raider
Moonkin pre-raid BiS
The above pre-raid BiS list assumes ZG released, which won't be the case on Nostalrius for a while. That's fine, because I won't start raiding until ZG is released. Here's the plan:

Project: Moonkin
1. Level to 60 as feral. Self explanatory, I'll try not to waste too much time, but won't rush either.
2. When 60, spec resto and heal dungeons. Get some +spirit and +int gear, try to snag some caster gear as well. Note: I may start healing dungeons before I reach 60, since some of them don't really require max level.
3. Spec balance. Start running 5-mans to obtain the best caster gear possible. Learn herbalism and tailoring. Start farming herbs for all the consumables needed for raiding as a moonkin. I don't know how long this phase will last, it all depends on how soon ZG is released, but I'll need a lot of plants.
4. Upon ZG release, spec resto. Run ZG to obtain the epic +spirit healing staff, which will be used for Innervates. Get the Bloodvine set.
5. Spec balance. Start writing insane applications to various raiding guilds. This may be one of the hardest parts, since the general view of balance druids is still fairly negative, but eventually I should land in a decent guild.
6. Raid. Hopefully at this point I'll have enough alchemy mats to last me a while, even though I'll probably still have to farm. I don't know for how long I'll be raiding, but the goal right now is to at least kill C'Thun and get AQ40/BWL geared. Possibly Naxx.
7. Keep raiding/start demolishing horde in BGs and world. Or stop raiding completely and just make people rage by critting them for over 1K with instants.
8. Sell the character for big money, buy an island, retire in great wealth and start working on your memoir. A life well lived!
9. Dubstep doesn't sound so terrible now that it's out of fashion.
10. Pancakes.

Of course I hope I won't be the only one partaking in this glorious adventure. I made this thread to inform and inspire other hatchlings like me, who plan to bathe their enemies in flames of Elune. The path ahead of us may be steep, but it's also a rewarding one. After all, that's what vanilla is all about: conquering challenges while laughing in the face of adversity!
Feel free to leave any questions or comments (Patreon link should be added shortly, since the above plan will require me to quit my job and sever most real life relationships - make sure to donate).